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Playing with various ideas. One of them is making the hair tufts on his head more marked and stylized, but not 100% sure if that would take him up a notch or not

Also: Since doing Khana with her tattoo I thought perhaps I could play with it further with stuff like that, and perhaps scars as an alternative skin? What would you say?



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a scouter to go over his left eye that says "can't let you screw that, star fox!" when you click on it ;3


I love the hair, and the scar, they make him look so rugged and sexy <3 the more manly the better! :D


Oh, and I think you should give the rhino his beard, I really like manly males, eye patches, scars, muscles, big bellies, hooks for hands XDDD


Glad you like all that, this one is going to have a toned, flatish belly A hook for a hand, eh? We could also ad an peg leg and he's be ready to sail the seven seas c:


I like this wolf, but I'm not too fan of the scar, is that there will be a fox also?


I do think a scar of some kind would be fitting on the wolf, but personally, the one shown here is probably something I wouldn't use. Mostly because even the implied possibility of eye trauma just makes me wince. Maybe some kind of old love bite on the shoulder or around the ear received from some particularly feisty female?


Got it. I'll try out the bite marks (tough I need to look up references for that) I'm trying to get patrons a bit more involved then I was before when I had really limited time for this. Balancing of yays and nays and see where the art direction will go -Dogson


every thing is good but no scars please also let us give him the angry dog expression


Biased, but I really like the scar.


The scar is a good idea, look up "Heidelberg Scar" <a href="http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a52_1391954687" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a52_1391954687</a> for example.

Shadow Drake

Looking good, I like the idea of having the option for alternatives such as facial hair, hair and scars. Even having tattoos/markings as alternative skins are a good idea. With that it does add alot more variety to the game with only a few models to play with =)


I do like a manly man, alternate skins with added amenities such as hair styles and tats and sexy scars would be awesome, Dogson. X)