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So here we are again, at the end of a year.

Last year around this time, we were working our asses off trying to make a release happen. Needless to say, we couldn't make it that time. If someone had said it would take us a whole other year to get a build out, I wouldn't have believed it. A release felt so close, and yet it would prove to be so far away. I think this in part can be attributed to a monumental misjudgment of all the things needing to be done to actually tie everything together. That can be quite challenging in any project, but for a project as complex as YL2, this has been especially true.

To all of our patrons - we cannot adequately express our gratitude for your support. In times of hardships and setbacks, you've shown great patience and understanding. I think the key word here is faith. You have shown faith in us, in our endeavor, and in the potential of what we're trying to accomplish. And for that, we cannot thank you enough. We're honored to have you with us on this journey.

It's not without a great sigh of relief that this day has finally come to pass. Getting a release out has been at the top of our minds for such a long time, that it has almost driven us insane. We've made great sacrifices to get here, so finally being able to offer a build is quite an emotional experience for us. It may not be perfect, it may not be as polished as we would have liked, but it is a build nonetheless, and we're very proud to have it!

We've not only poured our blood, sweat and tears into YL2, but also our hearts and souls, our hopes and dreams. We've tried to create something that won't just be worthy of your attention, but something that is a homage to the furry fandom itself and a token of our devotion to it. Whether or not we're going to be successful in that undertaking only time will tell.

Each new year marks the end of something old, and the start of something new. This time it's even more special, as it's the start of not only a new year, but also of a new decade.

Let this be the beginning of something glorious for Yiffalicious and the furry fandom that we can all enjoy decades to come!

We wish you all a very Happy New Year!

- The Yiffalicious Crew



I think even with all of your warnings I'm going to still enjoy this like a game, I love character creators and have messed around a little bit with 3d modeling, I hope we can have plenty more of your talents shown off in this new year though!


Im happy to just play around with the options. I've already run into a bug though, changing the hands model causes the whole character to collapse into the floor, after that nothing works. I'm enjoying this however.


NIce find! Two hands that weren't supposed to make it in there, made it in there. Canine hands and chubby are cursed! Avoid!


I found a bug where when I chose the dragon penis, it just overlapped my character with a 6 ft tall dragon penis model, really weird. XD


That's really embarrassing. That was a place holder mesh we used several months ago. I'm not sure how it made it in there. It isn't even ours.


Luckily I was only playing around at that time, so it didn't ruin anything.

Martin Leyva

Let’s fucking go, this year is gonna PURE progress, and god am I fuckin lookin forward to it.

lothkafas (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:46:48 I've been subbed since I discovered and I won't leave :>
2020-01-01 09:50:33 I've been subbed since I discovered and I won't leave :>

I've been subbed since I discovered and I won't leave :>