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After doing various species we like for about three months now, we have decided to try out a more democratic approach and let our patrons and fans decide what species and body types to develop next.

This is to empower our beneficiaries with an active choice in the development process, as it has always been our philosophy to encourage community participation. :)

We have taken a list that is a mixture of the most popular and the more marginalized species of the fandom. We believe this mix will provide a very interesting insight into the fandom as well as what our path of character development should look like in the coming months.

If this turns out to be a success, we may very well continue doing voting polls of what various species and body types we should implement in the future.

So for everyone interested in partaking in the poll, please click the link below!




Good approach, but where are humanoids in this poll?...


Please lets not have another obese/fat/chubby Female character. Plz no. Don't get me wrong. The Giraffe and Bunny are awesome. But they both have the same body type. So it's sort of starting to give me a headache when I see them now with their chunky, wobbly bits all over the place all the time :/ I checked the polls and already the "chubby" body type is winning for the females. Which is really making me sad. Why don't the majority of people want to switch it up and go for something different? I mean, here we are. The creators have ASKED US, what we'd like to see be put in here. And the the answer from the majority is just exactly the same thing we've already got? ~sigh~ Oh great creators, I beseech thee. At the very least would you please bestow upon us, the ability to edit each characters Body Thickness? (i.e. New sizing sliders) So that we may cater to much more than a single group's interests? P.S. I think you guys should give the early models a little bit more lovin'. Because I noticed that the Rhino and Bunny have far more expression detail capabilities. P.P.S. Also there is a bug with the inflation system. Any time you make an interaction with inflation (no matter which part) The remaining 2 inflation settings get defaulted to the same level of inflation as the highest set one. This occurs every time after you submit an interaction. :(


Humaniods, as in humans you mean? While we're focusing on Anthro characters right now, we might also include humans depending on how popular in the future the app might become, and if there is a growing demand for it


That bug is actually fixed! You can follow our progress at trello: <a href="https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap</a>


Personally I think the game really needs an Avian character type since it's so rare to see non-mammal characters in furry games. Also I'm kind of seconding the desire expressed by others to see more of a light-frame/muscular hourglass/twink kind of bodytype for variety's sake. Something like a crow/bluejay/magpie/etc would make an interesting contrast to the existing crew. Just my 2c.


I agree, avian and lizard(not to be confused with dragon) type are a rarity. The community could certainly use a few more of those.


Where are my Hyenas at bro!!!!!?!


With two chubby characters already, please make whatever female you make ANYTHING else. Honestly with 37 people screaming for "chubby" with those being the ONLY represented body types in the build currently, it makes me question if the poll was compromised.


Would love for herm or trans female. And minotaurs/bulls along with wolves. :D


That or.. you know, there's bugger all animated material with chubby characters and now that there is something we're all screaming for more!


Bull, Minotaur, Lion - muscle/musclegut


Hold on a sec. I just re-checked the polls and saw that there are nearly 100 more votes than there are actual registered Patrons ?.? It's no real biggy. I'm happy to see that the "chubby" selection has finally been overtaken by something else. But I thought that this was a patron poll only, so now would this mean that the poll is compromised? Or am I mistaken?


Its open anybody can vote


Vote: 498 Responses patreon : 353 Okey, well I hope each vote you will remove the one chosen before. Maybe one day I will see the obese female hippo win. Or else the better bot/proxy guys will always have what he want...


Some form of visual reference would be nice. How chubby is slightly chubby? What's the difference between 'Slender' and 'Petite'? Is 'Althletic' just "slightly muscular"?


Good question on the chub thing. Personally, I'd classify the existing females as at least "chubby", if not "extra chubby", so I'm hoping it goes down from there. As far as "slender" vs. "petite", I'm just guessing, but I believe the main difference would be height. "petite", to me at least, implies somewhat shorter than average (which would be very cute), and possibly a smaller cup size. Personally I'm really hoping for a petite fennec. That'd just be too perfect! &lt;3


Athletic female dragon makes me want to donate more lol. I really hope this project grows.


I think having a community poll is a great idea. Keep in mind though that consumers never really know what they want. We'll typically have an idea of what we think we want or what we're comfortable with or what we don't like, and that's different. It's up to creators to show a person new things they never knew they would like. Also I think it would be a good idea to have visual representations (concept art) of the animals/body types in mind. Not for every last one of course, maybe the top two or three or something like that. That way people can see the model artists rendition of a species or body type and decide if it's something they'd go with. We might see more things out of the usual common comfort zone picks like wolves and cats. Of course I'm sure many would like to see the usual yiffy suspects eventually. Either way I'll end up being satisfied with whatever gets added because you guys are doing great work, keep it up.