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Today we’re making our roadmap public for everyone to see. This guide represents where we are spending time and energy in developing Yiffalicious.

Our hope with being more transparent in our development processes is that we'll give you a better sense of what’s happening, and that the development will be more receptive to community feedback and ideas. We think this move will increase community engagement, feedback and iteration, which hopefully results in increased quality and value for the end user.

As a disclaimer, anything listed may not actually make it into the engine as planned; we may run into complications that forces us to abandon a feature, or we may have reason to stop working on one altogether. While we intend for most items on the roadmap to end up surfacing as estimated, we want to make it clear that there is no guarantee of a feature being added to the engine even if it’s currently listed.

Thank you for helping us develop Yiffalicious and make it better!





Do you think it could be at all possible to add touch-screen compatability? I only have a laptop, and it's a little more tedious and difficult with a trackpad.


Seems to me like this roadmap probably isn't in use anymore. Is there an updated Trello or something of that nature where patrons can see how the development of FVNE is coming along? I'd like to have some sort of idea of how long I'll be waiting till interractions are back in.


We currently do not have a public roadmap, but interactions is the next thing we'll start to work on after the next major release of the character editor.


I'm hyped for the Character editor and Oral sex ;D


Hmm. I hope you will include a voice on/off switch for individual characters when you get the voices done. Or at least separate on/off for male and female.


I was really hoping the hand poser update would be the next big thing, heh... those gay poses need reacharounds, y'know! :P Still, looking good so far. That trello site is a neat way to keep track of things! Thanks for sharing it with us.


Oh! And I thought I'd mention it again, since nobody answered when I asked on the earlier post- can we expect any... well, less-big characters in the near future? They're all buff or heavyset so far, which is great if you're into that, but it'd be nice to have some, say, slinky slender foxes, otters, and so on. :P


Characters with slender body types will most definitely make it in at some point. Our next official character will most likely offer something current characters don't. But we have 2 commissions before that.