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We've deployed a new patch - yiffalicious 0.1e. This patch fixes issues some users were experiencing when trying to load an interaction from the cloud (infinite load). It also introduces a new sorting mode - Hot. This is the default sorting mode from now on. I've also been looking at an issue with dark scenes that some are experiencing. The only workaround for now seems to be to run the app in windowed mode, or in fullscreen in native resolution. From now on, the default mode will be windowed (for new users).




Hi guys! I would like to ask about your tutorial video. It helps very much, thanks! And here is my question: what speech engine did you use for male voice in that video?


We used acapela-box. It costs money to license the audio clips. Ivona is another processor that offers far better quality, but unfortunately there's no way to license the audio it produces and it's illegal to record it.


you guys did a amazing job but every time i open the app or try to select a pose it always gives me "Error requesting the backend"why is that?


Seems like your firewall is blocking the app from reaching the internet. Aggressive firewalls blocks all communication for unknown apps. That might be the problem. You should allow yiffalicious to access the internet.


my pc also came with McAfee


That's probably it. Have you tried this? <a href="http://service.mcafee.com/faqdocument.aspx?id=TS100813" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://service.mcafee.com/faqdocument.aspx?id=TS100813</a>


i uninstalled McAfee and the app and reinstalled the app and let it through the firewall and it still gives me the same thing i don't know what to do.


Try to run the app, get the error message and then quit it. There should be a log file inside the yiffalicious_Data folder. Please send it to us.


i have the same problem. i even tried with deactivating my firewall but it dont work.


sorry for the stupid question but how can i send it to you?


There should be a log file inside the yiffalicious_Data folder. You can attach it to a mail and send it to info@yiffalicious.com.


thank you very much. i will send you the output-log file. btw what i acutally see this is awesome