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Applying growth to a mesh works pretty much like a magnifying glass - any flaws in the mesh will become more apparent. In real time rendering, using as few polygons as possible is crucial to maintaining tolerable framerates, but it also means flaws would be really easy to spot with growth applied. Luckily we can use dx11 tessellation to eliminate glaring issues in the silhouette. Tessellation works at hardware level and has little performance impact.



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Couple questions about inflation: 1) will we be able to like, set values? Ex 105% size and stuff like that... Er, I guess that's now how it'd work since it's a different shape. Guess my questionnaire has been cut short! But if there's more info available on it I would love to learn it ^^


Inflation can be adjusted to have 0% to 100% influence (and everything in between). You cannot go beyond 100%.


omg, this is awesome!!


Will there only be belly inflation, or can you inflate any part?

Noh Bhodie

Has the release date changed, or will it still be sometime late spring/early summer?


We're planing on a release sometime this month. - F-Fox


You are wonderful people.