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We're proud to announce the first public build of Yiffalicious - Alpha 0.1!

You can download it here:


We recommend using the torrent alternatives.

We want to thank all our patrons for making this app possible. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here! So thanks again, so much!




Are ragdolls a possibility like in the Lugia app? Amazing work by the way


just a quick question. i find that the horses penis is not visable for me. also when i first start a pose i only see hair and eyes.


I'm having trouble with the interaction editor. Is there a tutorial anywhere? My problem is that I can't work out how to make the horse thrust or tell it which hole it should penetrate.


I've been looking forward to this all day! Thank you Yiffalicious Crew


You can look at this: <a href="http://storage.googleapis.com/trailer-test-53433222323/tutorial.mp4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://storage.googleapis.com/trailer-test-53433222323/tutorial.mp4</a> It's a bit old but still shows the basics. To make a character 1 hump character 2, you first add character 1 to the scene, and then 2. A menu will appear when adding the 2nd one asking which hole to attach it to.


Game crashed came out with a error and all.


Sorry to hear that! What does the error say? What do you do to cause the error? And finally, what hardware do you have?


Only problem I'm having is, for instance, when I summon the second character, attached to the first, he's on the floor and won't get up Q_Q


Had no problems, a bit laggy but I'm sure it will be optimized better in the future, great work guys!


You can use the transform section in edit mode, to change the angle and rotation offset of the thrusting character: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/yUDVrvP.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/yUDVrvP.png</a>


<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bysc3JRnPh02R2x0UXMxRWo4cU0/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bysc3JRnPh02R2x0UXMxRWo4cU0/view?usp=sharing</a> the characters disappear the fps go down to 2fps then well u see


What are you doing when this happens? Is there a sequence of actions you can do to cause it? It is very hard for us to debug without knowing more.


Hello im having errors uploading and all it says is failed to upload image anything I can do?


there needs to be finger posing in the future

Noh Bhodie

This is awesome. No issues so far.


keeps shutting down when ever i try to add a new chracter please help :(


Sorry to hear that! Does it outright crash? Is there a error message? Can you upload the ouput txt file in the yiffalicious_Data folder after it has crashed? Unfortunately we're going to bed now. It's waaay past bed time here, so... We'll have a look at it in the morning.


This game is incredible! And I mean it! You guys did such a great job!


I love the program something I think would improve it is easier head posing/positioning


It's pretty awesome so far! Best UI of any sex sim I've ever tried. A couple of suggestions: Tagging system to sort the cloud by tags. Bind snapshots to keys. A single key to activate cum or advance to the next snapshot. Keep up the good work!


Works absolutely perfectly on both of my computers and one of them is basically a potato. I am SO excited to see where this goes in the future. Will more males be available? I'd REALLY like a nice canine.


I made a couple of poses sadly they say derived on mine cause I was moving all the actors around the rooms in the same saved instance using only one of the saved official poses. from the beginning. But oh well. They turned out great anyways. :D


Thanks! There is a tagging system already! If you look at the top, there's a search bar. You can use this to filter out poses. When publishing a pose, some tags are added automatically, but you can add more yourself too. Ah, good idea about keys! We'll look into it. :) Thanks again.


Thanks! Yes, absolutely. We will keep adding models continuously. Or next official model will be a male one. :)


I'm getting transparent penor too for some reason. It's like I have x-ray vision. Invisible characters seems to be random or can be fixed by changing quality &amp; screen size.


We don't think the majority even knows that information exists. We wanted to add in derived to avoid people intentionally taking other's poses and reuploading them, taking credit for it. But in this case it it's obvious that wasn't your intention. What's your username? I can remove derived from your interactions.


We will post a new build fixing these problems ASAP. In the meantime, you may want to try this solution a user on FurAffinity posted: It can be ran with a DX10 card as well, here is a workaround: Step 1. Download <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-in/windows/hardware/hh852363.aspx" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-in/windows/hardware/hh852363.aspx</a> Step 2. Install it Step 3. Find dxcpl.exe (C:\Windows\SysWOW64/) and fire it up (looks like THIS Step 4. Click 'Edit List' and browse to the 'Yiffalicious.exe' and add it Step 5. Tick 'Force WARP, and select DirectX version from 'Feature level limit', then Apply / OK Step 6. Launch the game normally This way everything shows up, but smooth playback is not guaranteed.


My username is Bazzal just like on here. Thank you :D I think my poses were the some of the first 15 that were getting uploaded. I have a couple uploaded but all were done from scratch, but because I moved them around like crazy from one saved instance from an official one they all got logged as derived. :(


Game blue screened my computer, then caused a massive failure in windows resulting in me having to use a rescue disk to retrieve files before formatting my hard drive and re-installing windows. It occurred while messing with sliders in "play" mode.


Wow, that sounds extreme. Sorry that happened to you. What computer are you on and what specs?


are ovipositors on the list of long term goals?


* googles ovipositor * I'm not sure I understand the question fully. You would like insectoids that are wasp-like?


like this <a href="https://forums.bad-dragon.com/viewtopic.php?t=22836" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forums.bad-dragon.com/viewtopic.php?t=22836</a>


I mean, will you have support for characters with genitals like this that can deposit eggs in another character?


Hey Yiff crew. First of all I want to congratulate for a this awesome game. GOTY :D. Secondly I have two bugs to report. If I.m in window mode and I minimize the game, it sometimes crashes my video driver. And if i put the force and force distance on 0 while playing a scene, the game crashes and computer freezes for a bit without an error. And the characters dissapear too when doing that. And sorry for not supporting, but I don,t have a card ;(


Also, will there be an option to make the characters less meaty? Right now, some poses are impossible because of clipping.


Thanks! Means a lot to hear that. :) Have you tried downloading the newest patch? It may solve all of these problems.


More characters will be added. In time we should be able to offer skinnier characters.