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When we announced Linux and Mac support, we hadn't really investigated the market share of these platforms for our targeted audience. But after close examination, we have come to the conclusion we have more to gain than to lose by simply focusing on Windows only. We understand this will surely disappoint some of you, but we think it is the right choice. The reasons for this are many, but in short we feel it doesn't make sense to limit and delay the app for all users to accommodate the needs of 5%. By dropping support for Linux and Mac we can rely on advanced Unity features that are only available on Windows. Furthermore, only having to focus on one platform will make testing and deployment far easier and quicker. We believe this focus will result in a higher quality app, with more frequent updates and less bugs. (By the way, in addition to this, while we don't support Oculus rift just yet, Oculus has dropped their support for Mac too.) If you would like a refund because of this change, please send us a message and we will sort it out. Thank you.



Maybe when you done the game 100% on windows you will port it to Mac and Linux.


Those that use Mac and or Linux could just make a Windows VM or dual boot if they want to play it.


just to throw this out there i love the updates and the artwork but i have a windows computer how do i download the game or is it not out yet?


i speak french but when it comes out in June because my pc gamers the looks is tooth 32GB ram


Nous ne-pas comprend que Vous dis. Mon français ce ne pas bien (ceste Quebec-qua) mai ci Vous a des questions Je peut aidais vous.


a ok mercie la version alpha du jeux aurat t'elle plusieur model a sa sortie ou uniquement les model du trailer ???


Trois; le chevalier, la lapin, et la giraferie a la premier. Dogson est fait un notre, mais je ne dit pas.


:D i cant wait to play omg so awsome