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Hey guys, hope you're having a good start of the week!

As you all know, right now we're developing the character creation systems of YL2. While the character creator will continue to occupy our time for the foreseeable future, we are starting to think forward about the next step in our development.

When we first started working on YL2, we didn't really think about changing the formula too much, but rather just improve and expand on it. We wanted to offer you more ways to express your fantasies in a more dynamic and detailed fashion and with less hassle, in addition to just improving the experience in general.

However, a reoccurring request has been to increase the amount of interactivity in the app. Some of the suggestions have been in stark contrast to what Yiffalicious was, and to what we [originally] planned YL2 to be.

Below are two options. Read them carefully, and let us know which way you lean. Also, please expand on your opinion by writing a comment so we can get a better understanding of what exactly it is you'd like to see.

Expressiveness path

This was our original plan.

In this path, you will have complete control in creating interactions progressing in the way you want. Not only would you be able to pose characters and control their actions, but you'd also be able to change these poses and actions over the duration of the interaction. Furthermore, dialogs and possibly* even different dialog paths [programmable dialogs] would be a thing, eventually, meaning you could create your own stories and context for the scenes. Expressions and reactions of the characters would be fully tweakable as well. In this path, you wouldn't even need to include any sex if you didn't want to. It could simply be a story (think comic slides).

* Not a promise.

Interactivity path

In this path, the app would require less work on your part, and instead automatically fill in the blanks itself. You'd still place characters in the desired ways, but then the app would control expressions, actions and reactions based on immediate input from the user. This would however not work with custom animation, and possibly would remove that opportunity altogether as interactive systems are very time consuming and complex to implement. But it does mean you could play around with the characters in the virtual world and directly see their reactions to that input.


It is possible these two paths could potentially merge into a third one, but such a path would be completely uncharted and filled with obstacles. Still, it could be possible (write your ideas in the comments!).

NOTE! This is by no means a promise we will pursue the most voted option. We simply want to gauge what it is you would like to see, so when we get to work on the interaction systems, this poll and your suggestions will affect our decisions and thinking, consciously as well as sub-consciously.

So with all that said, where do you stand?



It's all about the customization and with good enough work on your guys' parts (which I have no doubt) then it's an incredible creative tool with endless possibility. No need to can anything unless the speed of the work is more important than the quality of the work. If you wanted a game, there are others doing some cool things that would like your support. A game this is not. (...in my opinion)


I think the freedom to create your own world and story is a major selling point in YL/YL2, which also goes for the character creator being implemented. Having the option to create your own animations, characters and or story in the app, is what will drive the product in the long run. If one would purely focus on the interactivity and the first time experience when running the program, it would basically be something that you run once and think that it's really cool, but will forget about after a while. Now while I do really like the idea of taking the interactive path to the next level, I think that the equipment and technology with current VR setups is not quite there yet, but might change in the future with better hardware (headsets and controllers mainly). An actual interactive world (where you could move and touch things in VR) would be cool, but I think it's pretty unrealistic for now. Also just having the code decide what the characters are feeling might give a completely different feeling to each animation, than what the creator of that animation might want the characters to express. In conclusion; the community is what drove many users to come back again and again to "experience" YL(1) and if you remove many of those aspects, your game / app might not be as appealing to many.


I'd rather y'all work on creating a deep system and really fleshing it out by going the way of expressiveness, and then maybe going back later and rigging interactive systems on top or in parallel where possible. One of the things I felt was really missing in YL1 was the ability to actually create dynamic scenes. I'd love to be able to have that freedom in YL2, even if it means losing support for certain interactive components that might be available for, say, VR. Keep up the good work and I appreciate your focus on the community as always.


I am mainly a 'consumer' of content in YL. I have dabbled with creating my own scenes, but I clearly don't have the artistic skills required to make good looking scenes, as YL2 seems to be skewing more towards being a 'professional' creation tool, I doubt that is going to change in YL2. While I would appreciate something like an 'easy mode' for the creator, along the lines of the "interactive" model, that lets a user with limited artistic ability put together a decent-looking scene (for instance, using a library of pre-made poses and animations). I recognise that the ammount of content you could put into the interactive model could never compare to what the community would create given access to the improved tools of the "expressive" model, and that ultimately is what will ensure the longevity and success of the product.

Bloudin Ruo

Definitely expressive. The reasoning being that while being able to directly interact with characters and have their reactions be dynamic is nice, there is only so much we as the players and you as the creators can do with that. Everything new would need to be created and canned, whereas being able to manipulate the world via the building blocks of the systems themselves provides nearly limitless possibilities and replayability.

Dark Sura

I think the best option for me would be expressive. But with some facial expressions and predesigned actions to use as templates. That would allow the more able to take less time to create the scene, and help the less skilled to have a base to work with.


My vote is for expressive, and a definite +1 for dialogue paths if you can work those out! While interactive scenes sound neat in theory, I have a feeling that they would ultimately reduce the overall longevity of YL2 as a creative platform despite requiring far more work to implement. Considering what people were able to achieve with YL1 despite its limitations (like creating oral/fap scenes despite the engine not technically supporting it) I don't think there's going to be a lack of content with that approach. While interactive scenes will certainly be neat to play around with for a while, it seems (based on this write-up) that the possible actions would ultimately boil down to what's already programmed into YL2, with very few opportunities to go outside of the box. I'm not sure that's the right approach here. If someone goes into YL2 as a pure consumer with no desire to make their own animations, the wealth of the content in the vault will probably satisfy them more than the proposed interactive system could. Bonus points if there was a way for them to fairly easily swap one of their characters into a downloadable scene. That said, I would certainly be all about having some fondle physics in place (particularly for VR controllers) in static/semi-static scenes, just for the fun of it. :P

Drak Drake

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but I'm pretty sure I want the full expressiveness path


I would appreciate a bit of both I think. I'd like to see creators making maps of stimuli and expressions that can drive state changes. Some combo of canned positions and runtime repositioning would be nice too, but the characters would retain core sexual programming in their state mapping. Let players cycle into different positions without affecting state. Those positions could then be pulled from the scene, favourites, or the cloud. This would create exploration and replay potential.


People still make content for YL1 due to the amazing nature of the creative tools and the crazy amounts of fun you can have by messing around with them. If YL2 is exponentially better, and it's shaping up to be, this will definitely garner the attraction of the entire fandom. People will start using the tool in little animations they work on. Hell, you could add voice support (audio importing and I guarantee someone will make a film in your engine. It could be like the Source engine with facial ques tied to specific sounds that are easy to preset animate (just the mouth). As I've talked about before, you should definitely think about licensing for when people start to try to make OC in app and selling it. You're, more or less, creating a Furry animation tool with all the bells and whistles for entry level animators. The Expressiveness path is the best way imo. People will make the interactions for you in a million varied ways that cater to everyone's tastes just like before.


I would like the expressive direction. I like to take my time and tweak what I'm working on. That being said, an option to go into "Advanced Mode" (being the expressive direction), from a simplified version would allow more people to be able to use this. I'm sure not everyone wants to perfect every scene, but I know I do. If I could vote both, I would. Besides, I feel like if you go the more robust direction, it'll be easier to restrict some things rather than having to add options later down the road.

ryu lee

I think I would like to vote Expressiveness path. I really do really wanna mess this one right now, I really hope you release it soon.


I'd like the interaction/scene system to be reminiscent of YL1's one, with, of course, all the extra controls and everything else you guys have planned and will be building from the very beginning now. So, it sounds like the 'expressiveness' path is more in line with that...? It's not really clear, TBH. Maybe you could be more technical about what each path means, that'd help a lot. Ex: - Expressiveness will have keyframes/timeline system, you'll be able to animate a change in pose mid interaction, it will be similar to regular animation tools: Blender, SFM, etc. - Interactivity will have a simplified/automated animation system, similar to YL1's sliders for expression and hump system, so no keyframes, you'll have to stick to the same pose for the whole scene/interaction, etc...


Expressiveness would essentially be a keyframe/timeline system yes, but with some automation, similar to Yiffalicious. For example, hypothetically, thrusting could either be animated manually with a depth property (using keyframes), or by using an object which drives the thrusting properties values (in that case it would be the driver that is keyframed). Interactivity would essentially just be poses (like it is now in Yiffalicious), but with automated reactions for the characters. You wouldn't have to animate expressions or thrusting. I imagine you'd be able to thrust either manually using some form of input or have it automated. Mouse clicks could for example be translated into hand, thrust our tongue action.


Why not the option for both? Start with the expressiveness path. Then build in an "ease of use" Interactivity pathway ontop of that. Let the user decide on if they want easy mode or not.


Really hard to choice.. I don't wanna loose the System from Yiffalicious 1, so Expressiveness is a must. But i wish the Interactive System as well... I thought in the first one allready, it would be so wonderful if you could interact more with the Characters (A Dream for VR) and they just react to what ever you do with them. (maby with some personality tweaks like "Don't touch me/Please more) It would be so damn great if you could manage it somehow to make both Variants for the game, it would be the best Furry Yiff game for a long time... well Y1 is the best one I ever seen until Y2 will releases. Just hope I did not misundertstood the difference between the both Systems.


Doesnt really seem like much of a choice... Expressiveness is the obvious answer..... However would the expressiveness side remove the VR side of it? Or would it have VR also


So for the expressiveness path, would we control all the actions also? By that I mean would there be an engine that would take care of the physical action? Or would it be a system that we would have to record that action along a timeline sort of thing.


My vote is for expressiveness. No existing interactive product comes close to YL1 in variety of scenarios, especially when you factor in the complex puppeteering advanced YL users can manage. After all, it's not like Illusion's next game is going to have options like "Missionary", "Cowgirl", and "Have a buff woman roll him up into a ball and force him to suck himself while three curious girls watch through the gym window." No matter how creative you were with interactive options, they wouldn't come close to the weird, wonderful stuff we'd create via the expressiveness path. Besides, for the most part, "interactive" games are just scripted animation loop selectors with variable speed and a small degree of RNG. If you give us branching dialog paths and/or the ability to randomize the next keyframe in a series (i.e. let us create a "foreplay" scene that has an 80% chance to progress to an "enthusiastic blowjob" animation and 20% chance to progress to a "reluctant anal" animation), the things we create could potentially be pretty comparable to a fully interactive product. Don't get me wrong, though, I'd love to see more in-scene interactivity in YL2. Just not if it comes at the expense of being able to tell our own perverted stories right down to the last ridiculously graphic detail.


I think we can assume that the route they choose won't affect whether VR is supported. After all, YL1 is an expressiveness type of product, and it supports VR.


Awesome, you all are addressing the comment I made in the community section! I love the idea of interactivity of course, but I agree with Fiasco above. I want to be able to create full stories and scenes through the system, and if interactivity causes that to not be possible, or to lack in diverse options, then my vote is for expressitivity. Although if you plan to pursue VR support (which I very much hope you do) interactivity would definitely be the path to go down. Maybe you could set perimeters that the game must reach by the end of the scene, that way you're still in control.


What i would love to see is the expressive path with some interactivity. I would like to have a option to program the full interaction and have it play out or program some interactive bits where the player would need to take control, do the moving within set parameters themselves to fill a gauge and progres the interaction. It would definitely enhance the experience. Also i'm still hoping for clothes, toys and the ability to create characters with unusual features (multiboob, multipenis, multi arms and so on)


I mean, I took "expressiveness" a bit more literally but I'm fine with continuing with other developments in that path. I'd like to think there's a reason why newer models in YL1 like illinir and Charlotte are used more frequently because they are, indeed, more expressive.


I like more control, so Expressiveness it is. What would be amazing if you haven't thought of it already... whenever a sequence of actions or expressions is done, that it could be saved and used again later or repeated since it will most likely take time to build a sequence of dialogues or if not dialogue then whatever sequence of action is being put in place.. like walking... opening a door... or a sex position, that it can be recalled/reused later by a simple click that would put the same character in the same position/expression/movement to repeat or replay the sequence from that point in time. Also, for the few programmers out there... could be cool if you added a programmable way to do things or define stuff without relying on those sliders or buttons of yours all the time. Just a thought :) Continue the great work.

Petus Leekus

Having full control over the scenes is most important to me. More options on facial expressions and dialogue sounds way too good to pass up.

Sunlight Swift

I lean toward expressiveness only slightly. I don't want it to lean to far in favor of manual editing of keyframes. The advantage of this over blender to me is how simple and quick effective animations could be set up. Well and easily available models and scenes and speed of use. That should still be possible but with an additional layer of customization for those who want to tweak it further. The updates are looking fantastic but are making me fear a little that this is gonna end up where I'm gonna have to put 8 hours into it to get an animation well and if I'm gonna do that I'd just as well use blender. There is a lot of tech here that is making it look superior to real time studio applications for this specific... application. But If I had the choice of a really advanced sex-centered sfm and a program that is a group of combine-able animations with advanced customizability, I would choose the latter. Because time-saving is more important for the average consumer than customizability. The ones that can take extra time to make amazing things are probably gonna moved their animations to industry leading applications more if they have a lot of time and patience. Its tough to decide. I guess I don't fully know what vision you have in mind and these categories are very general. Maybe a better way to express what I feel is to say if this is twice as hard to use as yl1 and has 10 times the options, I'm totally cool with that. But if its 10x as hard and has 1000x the options then I think thats the wrong direction for it. But also if its only like a few extra options and the same as yl1 that would also be unsatisfying.


I feel like there is a bit of an unfairness to second description. Expressiveness is best all the way from what im reading, so I voted that. Interactivity is ill-defined. I dont know what im loosing from Expressiveness if Interactive would be the thing. Just, out of on a whim, im getting that Expressiveness has you edit scenes down to the detail, while Interactivity has you choose presets I guess. But it does not make sense why choosing a preset wouldnt go with custom animation. I dont know how the App currently operates so I have no idea what you mean by what we get and how things work.


It might help to think about this in terms of existing games. Even if you're not familiar with them, you'll be able to find gameplay videos to give you an idea of how they work. Not many games go the expressiveness route, but Yiffalicious (1) and Virt-A-Mate are certainly prime examples. Most Japanese 3D erotic games are variations on the interactive path. Some relatively diverse examples are Koikatu, Custom Order Maid 3D 2, and SoldGirl Town. It's hard to guess which, if any, of those YL2Interactive would resemble, though.


I think a happy medium of the two would be nice, with like automatic facial expression that you could togge on or off.


I'll be completely forthright here. One of the things that I adore so much about Yiffalicious is that I can immediately create a scene in a matter of a few minutes. I love that the characters already have connections pre built into them so that I can go from zero to full blown action in a very short amount of time. I won't say that expressiveness is a bad thing at all. Quite the opposite, I very much look forward to the character creator and all the potential therein, as well as the ability to turn scenes with simple in-and-out sexual interactions into much more dynamic ones where characters are switching angles, positions, maybe more participants appearing. There's a LOT of potential. But at the end of the day, all I really want is a simple program than I can easily rig up two or more cuties and watch them play. I'm hoping that with any advancements into YL2's engine, that will still remain a viable option.


I feel that many misunderstood what we meant with the expressiveness path. It was never about offering more options at the expense of automation and ease of use. You'll still be able to set up interactions with ease, and characters can still be automatically animated with drivers. However, you'll also have the ability to use keyframes to gain more control, if desired.


Oh, that's great. That was my primary concern. I've used programs like Source Film Maker before, and while I've had some small success achieving desired results. If I had more patience, I might be able to master methods like that. But like I said, I do greatly enjoy the benefit of easily building a sex scene from scratch. I'm very glad to hear you guys are exploring the improvement of both~


I can't wait))) as soon as possible