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Hi all!

Hope you've had a great start of the summer!

I feel good about this month. We've been experimenting with so much cool stuff and I'm quite excited by all the possibilities. So lets jump straight into it!

Wobble experiment

First off - I've got a confession to make. I didn't work on the character creator the first week of the month. Something I've discovered in my life is that if you feel like doing something, it's usually much better to just go with that feeling than forcing yourself to do "what you're supposed to". In this case, I was supposed to work on the character editor, but I just couldn't get something a fan told us out of my head. The comment I had in mind was this:

I've had ideas for how to implement fat simulation for months, and this comment triggered me to really wanna pursue it, right then and there. So I put my ideas to the test, and started working on a solution.

The idea was to use the same calculations than govern "jiggle bones", but instead of using them on a per bone basis and let the skinning handle the mesh deformation, I wanted to see if I could use them on each individual vertex by using the offset to the closest bone to get the origin of rotation. Because of the amount of vertices in our models, naturally this would have to be accomplished using a computer shader. A body mask could be authored to tell just how much each part would be allowed to wobble.

(A mask representing how rigid the surface is, so in this case black means wobbly and white means firm.)

Here are the results of this experiment (we recommend the video links because of higher framerate):



All this jigglyness is accomplished solely by this tech. There are no jiggle bones or physics running here, other than this custom Wobble component.

The results aren't quite what I was hoping for. Deformation around ass and thighs look OK, but there's some undesirable artifacts in other areas (especially the back). We had to disable wobble on the arms because it looked really bad. Perhaps it could be mitigated by better masking, but unfortunately I think it is for the most part a consequence of the technique used. In areas that have multiple bone influences, it was difficult to come up with a satisfactory method of calculating the bone offsets in such a way that no artifacts would be produced.

Even though we'll probably not end up using this particular tech displayed here, it goes to show you that we are definitely interested in fat simulation and are investigating how such tech could be implemented. This was also a really good exercise for me. I'm starting to feel very confident about working with and writing compute shaders, so I don't think the time we invested into researching this technique was wasted. Hopefully we can work out something better in the future.

Areola & nipple problem backstory

Trying to figure out how areola and nipple customization is supposed to work in YL2 has been a huge headache for us. Enabling you guys to truly express yourselves the way you like is at the heart of our philosophy, and in YL2 we're really trying to take it to the next level. Coming up with a tech that can honor these principles while at the same time being efficient, light-weight and adaptable has been a mind-bending problem for us to solve. Obviously there's a ton of different ways one could go on about tackling this problem, but each time we thought we had a solution, it meant we would either impose some limits on the user or that we would have to do an extreme amount of extra work to cover a satisfactory amount of customization (and in the end it still would be limited).

This problem is made even harder due to the way our character shapes work. For our different body types, we're using a technique called "wrapping". Essentially, when we author a body type, we sculpt a high poly model in Zbrush and then we "wrap" our low-poly mesh around it. Unfortunately, this process can cause some distortion in certain areas - the breasts being one of those more distortion-prone ones. This wouldn't necessarily a problem, if you'd work on areolas and nipples after the wrapping was made. But how could we pre-author different areolas for the breasts, if that content would get distorted on certain body types? Both blend shapes and maps would get distorted if the body shape was changed.

(Example of how a pre-authored texture gets distored if the shape is changed.)


Obviously we could start authoring custom areola content on a per body type basis, but that would just increase the amount of work required each time we introduce a new areola type or body type, as all previous areola content and body types would have to be adapted to this new content. It wouldn't be a viable long term solution, and this time around, we're all about the long term.

To solve this problem, we started thinking in terms of projecting pre-authored maps on to the model. That way, there wouldn't be any distortion, as the projection would adapt to whatever shape the breast currently has.

(Example of projection. The texture remains the same even as the surface changes.)


However, this approach does come with other problems. Even if there isn't any texture distortion, differences in shape between body types means that it would be impossible to pre-bake these maps (height and normal maps), because those maps are baked against a very specific target. So if the shape of the low poly mesh is changed, those maps would no longer look right on that new shape.

We still liked the idea of projection though since it solves the distortion problem, so we decided to continue researching in that direction. But instead now we had a new problem - how can we generate height and normal maps inside the app at runtime that fit the current user authored breast shape?

Curve projection

Curve projection is our attempt to solve the height and normal map generation and projection for areola and nipple customization. It's a custom technique we have researched and developed ourselves.

The idea behind the curve projection technique is simple - we take a user-defined curve and project it onto a surface. Each surface texel then gets its own location on the curve, that we can use to offset it (height map). The area beneath the curve represent the height, the left-most position represents the areola border, and the right most position represents the center of the breast.

Here's a visualization of the idea curve projection idea:



(Note: no mesh is generated, this is just a visualization. Instead, a height map is generated.)

So using a curve, you're able to essentially sculpt your own shape for areola and nipple.

Let's see this tech in action!

(By using a curve, you're able to sculpt areola and nipple the way you want.)


(Further proof that this is an actual projection and not some fakery. NOTE! The projection is stored in a height and normal map, and only needs to project once during character creation process to generate the maps.)


Naturally, you will be able to change smoothness and colors individually for the areola. (A mask map is generated in the projection, allowing us to color the areola separately.)


We intend to make the areola possible to fill in with a gradient, meaning you can blend it in more easily with the base character color, and also create smooth color transitions. This is just a simple color test we did.

You might be wondering what's behind the areola if none is projected? You'd be right if you guessed that it's completely featureless!

(This is what the breasts looks like w/o projection.)

We think this is good because I've seen characters that don't have areola or nipples. So it adds even more versatility to the character creator. (Areola projection will be optional.)

There's a lot more to the development of this tech than we are writing here, but that would be an essay of its own, so we decided to focus on the most important stuff - the results! Just know that this was VERY HARD to figure out and implement, lol. :)

Things left to be done

Right now, there's no way to fold the nipple in more ways than circularly (using curve sculpting). But we want to support more folds than that. An idea we have is to use yet another projection after the areola & nipple projection, in this case a texture projection, than make the nipple fold in many different ways (essentially a reversed height map). So for each fold, we'd have a pre-authored texture that gets projected into the nipple, and causes the fold. So far this is just an idea however and more research and experimentation is required.

Another idea we have is to use a vector shape in the projection, so you can create more forms than just circular ones, for example a heart shape. This is however just an idea at this stage and I'm not even certain it can be combined with the curve tech or if it needs to be a system of its own. It's definitely worth investigating though.

Curve editor

Naturally, the user needs to have some way to create these curves for the areola projection (curve sculpting) inside the app. So we've begun implementing our own curve editor:


(Double click to add more points.)


(Double click between points to add more between them.)


(Horizontal sorting.)


(Click + drag to box select. Drag multiple points. Points' values are clamped.)


(Right click points to get more options. Set values directly.)


Right now we only support 2 different kinds of splines for the whole curve, but we want to enable each point to have its own interpolation. Essentially we want to try and mimic the behaviour in unity editor, so more work is still required.

This curve editor will be useful for more things than just areola and nipple sculpting. We intend to allow you to use it for fluff shape authoring too, and I'm sure we can think of more uses along the way.

Texture projection

This is more of a side note than anything, but I felt like bringing it up because it does affect our project.

In YL2 we're using plenty of texture projection. Previously, that was accomplished using a 3rd party library. Unfortunately, this library is lacking in many ways, and since the source code is unavailable, there's no way to fix it directly. We had to make so many hacky work-arounds to make it function properly for our project, which is undesirable because that extra code virtually doubles the amount of time it takes to perform a projection. And to add insult to injury, that 3rd party lib is also abandonware.

Texture projection has always seemed like magic to me. I didn't have any idea how it actually worked or how to implement it. Somehow, curve projection was a lot easier for me to grasp, but after having made it I was like - "Hey, wait a minute. Couldn't I just make these and these modifications to the curve projection, and then I'd have texture projection?". And sure enough, after having made those modifications, we had our own texture projection system!

This is great because now we have full understanding of how texture projection works and can alter it exactly the way we like it. No need for hacky work-arounds to get all the features we need, all being carried out super efficiently!


(Demo showing off our custom texture projection system projecting a texture in realtime against a surface. NOTE! Projection is baked into map, and would only have to be done once.)


(The same system, here with an angle falloff, all being carried out in a single shader pass which previously would have required hacking and multiple passes with the 3rd party lib.)

New balls mesh + model changes

While Dogson has been occupied with preparing for a relocation, he's still managed to get some good stuff done this month. After much thought and iteration, we have come to the conclusion that the shaft socket needs to be moved into the same mesh as the balls. The reason for this is that in order to give the balls the right feeling of weight, they need to be able to pull and stretch the mesh farther up. There simply wasn't any good way to make the balls deformation look good if they were completely separated from the rest of the mesh and perineum. So instead now we've chosen to merge the socket and ball meshes into its own mesh.

This means we've also had to remove the socket from the body mesh (the socket used to reside there previously). As you might imagine, this has required some rework.

(The socket and balls have merged into its own mesh.)


With the help of our depth fading tech that we showed off in our previous update, the meshes blend in nicely with eachother and create a seamless transition.

New feet models

All welcome Nomistrav, our newest addition to the team!

Nomistrav is helping us by providing artistic feedback on our work - improving the look of our models. One of the first tasks Nomistrav did was to suggest improvements on Dogson's feet models. Here are some before and after images:

These comparisons aren't 100% fair since claws are missing from the older ones. Still, as you can see the shape is much more well defined and detailed in the later iterations!

What happened to the shape layering system?

You might remember that we talked about a shape layering system months ago that was just around the corner, and then seemingly nothing happened. So what's going on there?

Well, the system is still here and is more or less complete. It's still missing content though. The thing is that the content is something that can only be authored late in the character development process, when the characters and body parts have been finalized. Right now we're still in a process where we iterate on the content, and come up with new and better methods of implementing them. For example, the areola projection tech was something we had no idea how it would work prior to researching and implementing it, and so we couldn't possibly have adapted our characters to work with it. Now that we have it, we're adapting our models to fit it. Same goes for the shaft socket, which is being moved from the body mesh into its own ball + socket mesh. Each time we make changes like these, it affects any shape we author on the model, which is why we wanna finalize this stuff first before we start going all out on creating content for the shape layering system.

Update on current schedule

So, there's no easy way to say this, but... as it looks right now, a release of the character creator during the summer seems highly unlikely. This isn't the first time I've been far too optimistic about release dates, and at this point I'm starting to feel very reluctant about giving any more estimates that we'll probably just end up going past anyway. It certainly doesn't feel good giving you guys the hope of a release date that we then fail to meet, and it certainly isn't having a good impact on our morale either. It feels dishonest, which is very tough for us because that is absolutely not our intent.

I think the reason why it's so hard to give a good estimate comes down to mainly two things for us. Firstly, we don't know exactly how long or how complicated a task will be to implement until we start really diving into it. Take this areola projection tech for example. We had no idea this would be the solution to the areola problem and that it would require so much time and research to develop. In the end, I'm super happy about this tech and think it will be a huge positive addition to the character editor, so I definitely consider that time to have been well invested. But it did take time to research, and it isn't even finished yet! More things will still need to be added, and the curve editor (which is a small project of its own) is gonna take time to implement fully too.

Secondly (and I suppose this connects to the first point) - in YL2 we're really reluctant to take shortcuts. We want to create something that is truly unique and that will last for a long time. There have been so many times where we could have cut corners and just used some existing half-assed solution to get something out quicker, but that undoubtedly would have left you guys with fewer options in the end. We don't wanna develop ourselves into a corner. If we think that going down an uncharted path can potentially offer a better solution, we're very keen to explore it! Even it it means it'll cost time. It will pay off in the long term. With YL2, we're on a personal mission to change the furry community, and we take this mission very seriously!

The best date I can give right now is "2018", and given our recent estimation track record, even that date is making me anxious. I'm really starting to understand why game developers are so reluctant to share dates and why "when it's done" is such a thing. All I can say is that we're working hard and making great progress, as you can see from our updates. At this point YL2 is a personal quest for us that we will finish no matter what.


This month we've been experimenting different techs. The areola projection tech (curve sculpting) seems very promising, and we think it will be a huge positive addition to the character creator in YL2. Using this tech, you'll be able to sculpt circular areolas and nipples exactly the way you like, directly inside the editor!

We've also been experimenting with a "wobble" tech (fat simulation), but so far the results haven't quite been what we were looking for. It looks good in some areas, but not in others. It's definitely something we want to continue researching though when we have more time for it.

Dogson has been occupied with a relocation, but has still managed to get some great work done. He's been working on updated feet models, and also a new ball + socket mesh that we decided is a better way to go than having the socket forcibly included in the main body mesh.

As it looks right now, unfortunately it seems unlikely that there will be a release during the summer. When there are so many unknowns in a project such as this, it's very hard to give a good estimate. We feel bad about giving dates only to let you guys down. It definitely isn't our intent. Making a tool like YL2 is a very difficult process, but we're making great progress all the time as you can see from our updates and we're determined to finish it no matter what!


(No title)



Nice try and great summer you too


As they say; measure twice, cut once. Taking into account the fact that you are researching new ways to further the development by trial and error, I'm not surprised that it's taking it's sweet time. Cool update in general, keep up the great work.


Man, I feel like the Council of Funding Nations in X-COM, and you guys are the scientists going hard through the tech tree, coming up with new exciting stuff. Let me say: Excellent work! I know you guys are starting from the ground up, it takes extra time, sure, but in doing so will ensure we get no half-assed features. Things might go smoother later in development, even! Just keep it up, this will all shape up to something grand and well worth the wait.


I feel like this is the only game that has been creating new tech in this decade, It's very inspiring.


I'm curious as to how many developers the YL team has and if hiring another is possible?

Unlikely Suspect

It's absurd how revolutionary the tech going into this game is. The stuff that you've been researching and creating is insane. You should probably patent some of it.


any chance of breasts hanging naturally to not have the implants look? also any chance of full body tracking?

Sunlight Swift

This tech already far exceeds character creators available today. This is becoming a fascinating exercise in body morph academics. I feel like I am witnessing something that will become the future for these types of things. When this all comes to a finish it will probably gain leagues more attention that YL1. Well beyond its intended audience.


Is there an update on the web developer front? I know one got hired.


Interesting stuff, the nipple tech especially,. Also now that the socket is part of the balls and not the body, it'd probably be a lot easier to add alternatives to the current sheath type design in the future like I mentioned in an earlier post of mine.


The breasts displayed here are modeled in "zero-gravity". The purpose for this is to improve deformation and also make otherwise hard-to-get areas more accessible. The breasts will not look like this when the simulation is running. When the simulation is active, they will sag naturally like they do in Yiffalicious.


Definitely, and it's also part of the reason why we chose to go in that direction. Forgot to mention that!


It's always good too see that your making the character creator expandable and modular, so keep up the good work.


There's me (Odes, main dev), Dogson (character modeller), Pegashis (environment artist), Nomistrav (art direction/feedback) and Aether Fang (web developer). We're currently not looking for more people but it doesn't hurt to send us your resume if you're interested.


How long do you think it will be before you update with the release of something that can actually be played with? Every update now involves something that has nothing to do with users, it's all background, under the hood stuff. I'll be withdrawing my support until a pledge will actually result in something. Good luck.


Awesome stuff guys, keep it up!


Thank you so much for your support up until this point, Neuronyx. We truly appreciate it and hope we can inspire your support once again when we have actual playable builds. I honestly don't know when there will be a release. Estimation doesn't seem to be our strong suit. We're working hard towards a release, so hopefully we'll have something to share in a not too distant future. It's true that we've been focusing a lot on technology lately. Technology is the pillar upon which all other content is built, so that's why we're spending so much time on it. We believe that inventing these custom solutions will give us an edge in the long run. Thanks again, and we hope to see you soon. All the best. - odes


A couple more questions. What are your thoughts on weekly/bi-weekly updates? I feel like i'm losing excitement because we're waiting a month for a long description. I feel like with the fact we all know we wont see anything use-able in a long while, we could at least get more frequent updates so patrons can see whats being worked on, on a weekly basis. Also, Why not post an official restructure of the pledge tiers? I wont lie, I was looking forward to the promised monthly tech demos, so I kept my pledge at 12+ for a long while before realizing that it's not looking like we were going to continuously get them. Since the $12+ tiers aren't receiving anything differen't, why not hide them until actual builds start being released?


Every time you make an update about YL2 I'm flabbergasted at how cool is the stuff you do. And I really don't mind not having a set release date if you keep giving us those wonderful update posts.


Hi there Bixby! Right now we're in a phase where we're investing heavily into the tech that will govern much of how YL2's character creation system will work. This process is quite intricate and something that often times is hard to show meaningful pictures of. Or rather - where pictures don't tell the whole story. Therefore, we've felt compelled to write longer texts where we explain more about the tech - how it works, why we chose to go in that direction, and how it will affect the app as a whole. I think as more and more of this tech is completed, we'll be able to focus more on the actual content. This content will be much easier to show pictures of, and will hopefully allow us to post more frequent updates. Tech demos was an idea we had to offer our $12 tier patrons something while we were working on YL2, starting with the Sheath/Erection demo and later on the Delta Mush demo. We never said they would be released monthly, but given that money is charged monthly, I can understand if you thought that was implied. (Same goes for previous Yiffalicious releases - as more and more content was added each release, they weren't being released monthly.) We haven't dropped the $12 tier because it works the way it always has - you fund us with that level of money, and once a build becomes available, you can access it. We're just in a phase right now with low build activity during this development period of YL2 (that we've mentioned would be the case again and again). If you're pledging solely to get access to new builds, you should definitely lower your pledge and only increase it once a build becomes available. That's something we have even encouraged you to do in previous updates, as we've said we won't be able to push out builds during this development period of YL2. We are of course very thankful if people still choose to stick around on that tier, but again, definitely don't do that unless you're doing it mostly to fund YL2 development.


Thanks Horsie! Enjoy them while they last, because soon it's gonna be all content and builds!


Understood, however this is where i'd disagree. Go read how the following post was framed, and what was said. " YL2 - Erection, sheath, physics " I would say thats pretty implied, maybe not monthly, but at least some vs none that there would be tech demos, or something to keep higher patrons active. And now you're telling me thats not the case what so ever. Also, wouldn't it make more sense that tech demos should be released to the $3 tier anyways since it's a demo and not a build of any kind? Something to motivate people to upgrade their pledge when builds do start rolling out? In regards to the pledge tiers. You do realize that hiding tiers doesn't strip those users from their pledge right? And you also realize that, if all but the $3 was hidden, people could still pledge above that right? People would be able to pledge $3+ IF they wanted too. But hiding them, with a post explaining why, would give those who don't pay attention, or those who are holding on, only to be told every few months "hey, it's being pushed back again." the opportunity to lower their pledge. The problem that i'm having is that, the higher tiers imply that, something is being released. In my case, I was hopeful for a release, so I kept at that tier for a long time. But, it's since then been pushed back, what at least 2 times right? Or was it 3? My point being, if you know you're not going to have anything to offer for at least the coming 2-3 months, maybe longer..why offer that as a tier to pledge? Does that not seem shady to you? Because it certainly does to me. Trust me, i'm fully understanding of things taking awhile. But i'm having a hard time understanding why it's ok to keep higher tiers around that literally aren't offering anything more, and YL being aware of this, isn't making any changes. I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who feels like this is kinda just ****** up.


Love reading about the development of a great yiff simulator that doesn't get in the way of the fun. I will admit i'm more of a consumer user rather than a creator. Something I do hope you can answer is about character models. Is there intentions later on to expand on the number of character models or alternate interpretations of existing characters (twink and or muscle versions)?


We've had some tech demos, not none. If you pledge $12, you get access to those demos. It's clearly stated that the $3 tier does not include builds of any kind. I think people tend to gravitate towards the suggested tiers, and we do indeed still intend to release builds (and already offer builds to those who choose to pledge $12), so I think that tier is still valid. I haven't seen other furry creators remove tiers simply because they don't have a recent build. Simply adjust your patronage to a level that suits you. As we already said, you're encouraged to lower your pledge if you're pledging solely to get a recent build. If we have been unable to live up to your expectations, I sincerely apologize, and will happily offer you a refund. We'll pay out of our own pockets if we have to (I don't think you're able to refund through patreon back more than a month or so). Let us know.


Hi there Kiaki Longtail! Glad you enjoy the development updates! In YL2 we've been investing heavily into creating technology that will allow us offer an ever increasing range of different "body types". We have completely separated gender and body type into their own concepts within the engine, meaning you get great freedom in creating the type of character you like. These different body types are essentially what the different characters in Yiffalicious (1) used to be - very versatile shapes ranging from muscular characters to small slender ones. The difference this time around is that all of this is accomplished using a single, "universal" mesh, meaning we don't have to implement features on each individual character, but instead do all of our work on that single model. This means adding features will be much easier for us, and any feature we add will be automatically added to all characters, since they're all based on the same model. You can read more about our body type system in these updates: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/exciting-news-14591990">https://www.patreon.com/posts/exciting-news-14591990</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/yl2-update-16126190">https://www.patreon.com/posts/yl2-update-16126190</a>


Nah, it's fine. I don't need a refund. And I just want to say, i'm very appreciative of what y'all are doing and I do love the informative tech stuff. I personally just think it's not really fair that higher tiers are still available with the only timeline of any type of build is not only not confirmed, but it's expected to take longer than usual. Also, several artists have pulled certain tiers at certain times due to the nature of what was going on with their project. Anyways, it's clear nothing is gonna change, so I appreciate the information :).


I must again say I'm very intrigued and excited about the features you're both showing off and speculating on in the future. One of the things I hoped to see more of was BDSM items. I remember a while back there was a cute little character concept shown off, a femboy squirrel who had a chastity cage around his cock. I was wondering if we might see that implemented in the final version of YF2. It also made me curious if we might see other bondagey tools and toys, such as ballgags, dildos, buttplugs, collars, more shackles and yokes, and maybe even piercings. I'm figuring it might take some work to make these things and implement them in such a way that they can be used and customized for a character creator. I just wanted to bring it up since no one had mentioned these things~


Clothing and BDSM items are definitely on the radar. In Yiffalicious, each character was was implemented separately, meaning that adding clothing and other items would be difficult. This time around, we're basing all characters on the same model (that is very adaptable), meaning that standardizing clothing and items will be much easier. We're even aiming for import of custom made clothing in the future (although so far that is just an idea and not something we've begun implementing yet). We really like the idea of community made items, because it means the community itself could fill whatever needs it has.


This will sound bad, but you guys are on to making the most technologically impressive sexual game/app that it feels weird to admit. I dont mean this is technologically impressive exclusive to sexual apps, I mean the tech on this sexual app is impressive as all hell on its own. Edit: woops, with that said. I have a question. I have recently been playing some great games with character editors, and I was wondering exactly how much freedom character creation will give us in an aesthetically sense. For example, TES oblivion have these bloated look to every character. All games with character creations are limited to a certain style of faces. In their later game Fallout4, faces look much better but are still limited to that same style. Is the tech that you guys are making allowing for a variety of styles in both body and face, or will there be recognisable artifacts? Nothing is perfect, and with enough time spent with something, im sure that an individual will start to recognize even the smallest of details.


That's awesome. I didn't really even know if any clothing would be coming in. I do love me some stockings and corsets. And the idea of allowing community/user made "workshop" style items is excellent~


Thanks Monateee! I'm glad you recognize the effort that goes into developing this tech! We wrote an elaborate piece of what to expect in an earlier update, that you can find here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/yl2-update-april-18497548">https://www.patreon.com/posts/yl2-update-april-18497548</a> Since we want to offer such a huge diversity of different character sizes and shapes, we've decided to go with a "body type" system. Essentially, you select a body type for your character from an ever increasing list of different body types. You can also combine and tweak these body types in a system we call "shape layers". Furthermore, you can tweak inflation, character scale and height (among other things). We haven't gotten to facial customization yet - it's probably something that will be added later. At least a feminine -&gt; masculine slider will be present at some point. I think a lot of what makes a character feel truly custom will come down to the coloration and decoration. We're developing elaborate systems for this that you can read about in the update linked above.


is there a way to play/try any verion of this? or previos updates? i just got 12$ pledge in hopes icould test/try out this game/idea/program


YL2 has no build yet, other than the demos on the patron build page. Let me know if you want a refund.

Laura Lye

As an expansion perv I'm happy to see you guys are putting some extra thought in to handling fat simulation and jiggle, even with the artifacts that animation test looked promising. I saw you've got boob, belly and balls sliders planned already, but is there a chance of an ass/hips slider also making it in at some point?


There's some internal discussion whether or not ass/hips should be part of the body type rather than a slider, but we may have a slider as well.