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Hi all!

We hope you're doing well.

We are working hard on YL2 - the successor to Yiffalicious - and we are super excited about the development. In addition to a completely new client, we also want to implement a new version of the cloud. We are aiming to make this cloud a new social platform for the furry fandom, and this is where we realize we might need some additional help. If we are to get something out within a timely manner, we simply need more people involved!

About you

We are offering a paid position to someone who recognize themselves in these traits:

  • Deeply cares about their work
  • Relishes the challenge of designing and implementing their take on a furry social platform
  • A compulsion for elegance
  • Autonomous and responsibility-taking
  • Experience with templates
  • Understanding of Django or equivalent framework

About the cloud

Features we want this cloud to have are:

  • Content distribution (characters / interactions)
  • Follow/Watcher mechanic
  • Voting
  • Tagging
  • Comments
  • Notifications
  • Private messages
  • Admin/Moderator system

This time around, we want to make the cloud service compatible with a regular web browser, so you can access the community both inside the app itself and outside of it.

We know this is can seem like a daunting task, and we even considered hiring a firm at some point. However, we believe that only within the furry community itself can you find people with true passion for a challenge such as this. So here we are, hoping for the best!


If you're interested, let us know! Write something to us, tell us a little bit about yourself and show us some of your previous work.

Applications from groups of two are accepted as well. So if you're mostly a frontender or backender and know someone you'd like to develop this platform together with, that is totally OK!

- Yiff crew


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