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Hi all!

Here's our update we promised earlier. (Due to illness and other events, we were a bit behind schedule.)

Before we get into the gist of this update, we just wanted to share some changes we're making to our posts.

Right now we're in a phase where most of the work we do is very technical in nature. It's quite difficult to show images of this work, or at least images that are interesting and meaningful to users, since most of it is just raw code or crude placeholder content. This is the reason why we've been writing such long and technical texts, to sort of make up for the lack of more representative-looking content.

I'm sure there are some who enjoy reading all that nerdy, techy stuff we've been writing about, but I believe most people are here for the adult content. Plowing through walls of technical jargon isn't necessarily the thing I think most people here want to do, or what we should be spending a lot of our time writing about. So I was thinking maybe we could tone it down a bit from now on. I'm not saying we'll cut it out completely, but perhaps that we'll write shorter, more concise summaries of what we're doing - even though we might not have much else to show at times.

I think in the end what is important is that we're making progress and communicating it. So as long as we have that dialogue, hopefully that will be sufficient to reassure you that progress is happening.

Let us know what you think.

February + early March progress

This past time we've been working hard on a Shape Layering system to be used in our character creator. The purpose of this system is to completely separate the concepts of gender and shape. As a matter of fact, from the perspective of the app itself, there is no such thing as "male" or "female" - just different genitals and different shapes. For example, a "dick girl" would basically be a character with male genitalia, but with a feminine shape applied to the body. Likewise, you could create a character with a very masculine appearance, but with female genitalia, if you wanted to. Obviously, feminine characters with female genitalia, as well as masculine characters with male genitalia, in addition to hermaphrodites, are all possible to create with this system. The point is that these concepts are separate, so you are free to create whatever type of character you can imagine.

Coming up with a system like this has taken a lot thought and testing to arrive at. It has definitely been a journey to figure out how all these things are supposed to fit together, and it hasn't always been easy. Also, it's not only about the implementation part of things either, but also how we can author content for it in an efficient manner. We believe we have now come up with a complete system for all of these steps. The coding parts are done, and we also have internal documentation detailing every step of how to create content for it. So all that remains now is to start creating content!

We hope that by the end of the month, we'll be able to provide a glimpse of how this system works with "real" content. So hopefully things should get a bit more image heavy from now on. :)

Other news - Moving to DX11

In YL2, we're making use of many DX11 features to offer a better experience. Looking at the adoption rate of DX11 (95%*), we have now taken the decision to move over to DX11 fully. By utilizing DX11, we can vastly improve many computational operations to create a much more fluid and fun experience for the user. By only targeting DX11, it also means we can save time by not by not having to implement operations twice (once for CPU and once for GPU), in addition to making the code base less complex as well.

We don't think it's unreasonable that an app that will be VR compatible only works on DX11+ systems.

* source


If it's ok with you guys, we wish to make shorter, more concise updates from now on, focusing less on technical jargon and more on content.

In February and March, we've been working on a shape layering system to be used in the character creator, that will allow you to create a vast array of different characters.

YL2 will be targeting DX11 to offer a better user experience.



Once this releases I'll probs play it every night just designing characters and making fun roleplay OCs.


Been following for months, I'm happy with your content!!!


I actually do quite enjoy the explanation of technical aspects. But that's just me. :)


I like the explanations. I find them enjoyable and I like reading about all the hard work that you guys are putting into this.


I'm also in the boat of liking the technical explanations, but I understand the amount of time they can take. Can't wait for the next update. Sounds like it's going to have a lot more content.


I love the technical explanations. I know it must take a long time to make (with the screen captures, gifs and everything), but as you said, even if it's not smut, this is what you're making, so this is what you should show.


Even though most of it goes over my head, I do appreciate the effort you guys put into explaining all the technical aspects of your project. Any update is fine with me, and I'm sure a little more concise writing will be less time consuming. Eagerly awaiting any more progress updates, thank you guys for working so hard.