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Hi all!

We hope you're doing well.

Due to illness earlier this month, and due to us shortly visiting a furry convention, we're a bit behind schedule. We'll post a progress update about YL2 development next week.

We hope you understand!

All the best.

- Yiff crew



The flu sucks! Hoping to hear from you guys soon~


Hope you did something worth, since implementing one tech mechanics takes months. No offense but after YL1 release things looks really slowly.


Yeah we know things may look like that, and it is getting to us a little bit because we want to get something out asap. We'll post a public update later today summing up what we're doing any why it's taking time. Most people don't realize that Yiffalicious (1) had about a year head start before we launched it on Patreon. This time around we're trying to do something that is much more difficult to accomplish and in a much shorter amount of time. We understand that we may lose some patrons during this development period, but we hope people will come back when they see what we've been working on.


So sad that it isn't an actual video game. That was what I was hoping for with rpg elements to it but it is still an amazing work. By no means I mean it demeaning? (I think that is the correct word) But anyways is there going to be new races? I feel the feline, lizard, and many other furs are lacking here. Just found a new "Patreon" with similar high detailed furs in it. I wonder if it is possible combine all furry developer into one O_O although I feel that would be bad because you guys work so hard for your own game here.


We will definitely add more species! Once we have the character creator systems in place, we can just keep adding content to it.