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Here's an interactive demo showing off erection, sheath and physics tech in YL2 - successor to Yiffalicious.

You can find the erection/sheath sliders in the properties inspector, if you expand the "ShaftTest" category.


Left mouse - (Drag) Interact

Right mouse - Camera angle

Middle mouse - (Click) Set camera orbit point

Middle mouse - (Drag) Pan camera





(No title)



Is the Erection/ Shaft test thing working and in the game currently? if so where can I find it and how do I get to it because I have been looking all over for it.


No, dynamic behavior for shafts is not yet implemented in FurryVNE, but it will be!


Woah DATs COoL


Lol, why am I having so much fun with this? xD


How to oper this files demo. I think, i can't play Demo Ps. pls help


You need something like 7-zip to extract the files. You can download it for free here: <a href="http://www.7-zip.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.7-zip.org</a>


ok that is cool I look foreword to the full beta game or something of this.


I really wanna see how the intereactions look, and how you make them!!!


This is awesome! I've been wondering how you guys would make it work, but it turned out great! Keep up the amazing work all!

Danji Draconid

Gahh, and I'm away from home with a MacBook right now... but still, this is really awesome to see! VERY impressed with what's coming up!


Finally, an erection slider


Great work guys, can't wait to try the real thing. Keep up the good work.


One of the hottest developments so far! I feel I could have endless fun just in this tech demo. I really hope a lot of work goes into the sheath/unsheath physics. I feel the length of the shaft needs to be compressed a lot more initially; emerging slowly and then expanding as it gets harder, rather than just sliding out all at once like that. If you guys can pull that off in a convincing way I'll be very happy. I know you guys know what you're doing and this is just a demo, I'm sure it'll be great further on!


You raise some good points. We should be able to compress it using blend shapes and dynamic rig adaptation.


The stuff yall are doing to eliminate clipping is phenomenal. Also will the game ever support 1440p and up or is that an engine limitation?


Thanks! I think Unity3D should be able to do 1440p. The option doesn't show up?


<a href="https://gyazo.com/a220fb4d8367570878c76aaca0a16c76" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/a220fb4d8367570878c76aaca0a16c76</a> Apparently it caps out at 1080 in windowed mode but full screen gives 1440. :v sry it's been a long day x.x


Very impressive!


Thanks for the update, I am impressed! Every post gets me more excited for the final product.


i love being a supporter of this group purely because the ammount of heart and soul pour into this is simply amazing. But saddly i regret to inform you that i must revoke my champion status as i recently just lost my job. But i will defiantly be back and i can not wait to see what you guys will make in my absence.


Aw man, sorry to hear you lost your job. I hope you find something new! Thanks for your kind words and support. We try our best.


will u add humans to the game?