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Hello everyone!

New month, new update.

I feel this month has been one of our more productive ones. We've covered so much ground - both gaining deep understanding of many of the challenges we're faced with, and also implementing solutions to several of them. It really feels like we've reached a breaking point in our development, where the biggest uncertainties have been resolved, and thus we are finally ready to proceed to implement the actual character editor itself given these new solutions.

In last month's update, we teased a new feature we have been developing. Now that we've had more time to explore and polish this new technology, we're pleased to finally share it with you.

Before we dive into all this, I must point out that everything posted here is WIP, and does not represent the quality of the final product. All material has been taken from tests designed to verify that our technology works as expected, or directly from 3D authoring software (i.e. not the app).

Adaptive rig - artistic freedom

The rig of a character is basically, to put it bluntly, its skeleton. Naturally, you need a skeleton in order to animate a character, as it is the bones of the skeleton that decide how exactly the mesh should be deformed.

Unfortunately, once you have a skeleton in a mesh, it also means you're limited by it in a sense. Because if you, for example, change the shape of the mesh in such a way that it no longer matches up with its skeleton, then you wouldn't be able to use that rig anymore. This means people's creativity in creating shapes for a character is limited by the constraints set by the rig, since you cannot go outside of the rig's bounds. One might imagine that a solution to this problem, then, could be to move or even scale the actual bones of the rig and utilize their vertex binding to create a new mesh shape through their transformations. However, this technique lacks artistic precision. The results rarely turn out the way you want. Furthermore, the farther away you move the bones from their original location, the higher the risk is of undesired deformation and mesh stretching.

These past months, we've been experimenting with a new custom technology that we simply like to call "adaptive rig". It's something we have researched and developed ourselves. With this technology, we are no longer bound to the limitations of a rig. We can create virtually any shape we like for a mesh, and its rig will automatically adapt to this new shape as it is applied. This gives us tremendous freedom in our mesh shape authoring, as we don't need to be concerned about the rig.

So what does this mean in practice? Well, it means our character creator will go beyond what many others offer. Since we are no longer limited by the rig, we can grow our mesh to hyper sizes (muscular/chubby), shrink it to short-stack sizes, and obviously do everything in between. It's all performed on our universal mesh with the help of adaptive rig.

Here's a short demonstration of a hyper muscular shape applied to our universal mesh:


As you can see here, the mesh moves far away from its original rig, but because of our adaptive rig technology, it's not a concern. We are fully free to implement any shape we like.*

Here are sculpts we've been working on with this adaptive rig technology in mind. While not yet implemented, it still shows just how versatile we're aiming our character creator to be.

So as you might imagine, this adaptive rig technology is an extraordinarily powerful tool to have in regards to a character creator. We hope you're as excited about it as we are!

* I should point out, that while the adaptive rig technology could be used for virtually any shape, any size, there are other practical limits we need to consider. We cannot grow a mesh to godzilla sizes, because its relative resolution to smaller meshes would become too great, not to mention the physical interactions that would not work so well with such a vast difference in size.

Texture shapes - Fast mass texture processing

There's actually more going on in the animated image above than you might first realize. As the mesh is transformed, we're blending in different normal and occlusion maps depending on where in the growth curve the character is. Here's images showing what the mesh transformation looks like without maps being blended in:



The maps make a huge difference in the character's appearance. However, using maps together with a shape like this posed a problem for us. If we are to author several dozens if not hundreds of shapes to be used in the character creator, and if each shape need its own pair of normal and occlusion maps, then the amount of textures would rise above the allowed texture limit a shader may have (16). Furthermore, in order to render objects efficiently, you want as few texture look ups in your shaders as possible, so even if we could use more than 16 textures it would be undesirable from a performance perspective.

In order to solve this problem, we created a system we call "TextureShapes". This system works outside of the rendering pipeline, and by utilizing GPU we are able to blend hundreds of textures together efficiently. What's so great about this system is that it's virtually a 1:1 mapping to blend shapes, making it simple to understand and author maps for. Through it, we can pair each blend shape with its own set of textures, offering us enormous freedom in our shape and texture authoring, as we don't need to worry about exhausting any texture limitations that exist in shaders.

GPU Normal processing

But wait! There's more! Yet another thing that might not be apparent in the pictures above is that a third system is present. A mesh consists of different types of data that is required when rendering the object. In addition to the points of the mesh (the vertices), and how they're connected (triangles), "normals" is another form of data that is provided. Essentially, the normals decide the direction of each surface point on the mesh, so the shader can perform lighting calculations on it. Thought normal calculation was handled automatically? Wrong!

Here's what the mesh looks like if not doing anything to the normals (i.e. default unity behavior):



As you can see, the more the mesh grows, the weirder the surface looks. That's because the normals from its base shape are used in its hyper form, which are clearly not adapted for it.

Solving this problem is simple enough. The equation for calculating a vertex normal is uncomplicated - calculate all the triangle normals that this vertex is connected to, get the average of those and normalize it. However, if you need to go through ~30,000 normals each frame and recalculate them, it's going to affect the performance... As a matter of fact, performing such a calculation can take around 60 ms! (FYI, if you're targeting 60 frames per second, you have a 12.5 ms budget per frame).

Well, no problem. We can always just perform this task in a separate thread, thus not affect the main thread's execution or cause any slowdowns. However, while the task may not slow anything down, there's still noticeable lag between affecting the shape of the mesh, and its normals being updated:


We were not happy about this. In Yiffalicious (1), we had the luxury of either pre-calculating the normals, or just calculating a small amount of them, meaning this process never took that amount of time. But this time around, literally the whole mesh can change and thus invalidate all of its normals, requiring a normal recalculation for the whole mesh.

In order to fix this, we have developed a new custom system that recalculates all the normals on the GPU. By using the GPU, we were able to reduce these 60 ms to less than 1 ms!


Soft body system cont.

Some of you might recognize this. A couple of months ago, we showed off a soft body system. In that demonstration, we only used 2 objects. Well, we had some time to look into this technology again, and have developed it a bit further. What you see below is the same system adapted to work on several simultaneous intersections.


It looks promising, but more testing is still required to verify its viability. It's one thing to get this tech to work on simple geometry (such as these objects), and quite another beast altogether getting it to work on complex dynamic geometry (such as characters). We have a couple of ideas how it could be achieved, but as we said, more testing is still required. Hopefully we'll be able to solve it.

Soft bodies would be such a nice addition to YL2, especially considering inflation and just how big characters can get in general this time around. I think soft body deformation is one of the more exciting technologies we're experimenting with. I really, really want to get it into YL2, and I promise you I'll do everything I can to realize this idea.

From what I've learned so far through our testing, it seems like this technology will require a fairly modern DX11 GPU (as in, mid-range gaming GPU within the last 5 years, i.e. GeForce 660 or equivalent) if we are to get it to work on characters. I was a bit reluctant at first to commit to something that will require such hardware, but I think soft bodies are just too damn exciting to not pursue even if it means only supporting newer hardware.

What do you think?


This past month we've been working on several different technologies required to realize our vision of a versatile character editor. These technologies include automatic rig adaptation, mass texture processing and GPU powered mesh normal recalculation. All of these were crucial steps that had to be taken, and now that we have these, we are starting to feel ready diving into building the actual character editor itself.

We've also been experimenting with various other things. Among those is a soft body system, that we showed off some time ago and now had the time to look into a bit further. While more testing is still needed, we are hopeful a soft body system will be part of YL2 at some point.

- odes


(No title)



Looking great guys. Can't wait for Y2


I'm definitely in favor of soft bodies as long as it doesn't delay the character creator too much. That's also something I think would be really fun to experience in VR when/if it's eventually added.


I definitely think you should go with the soft bodies! I think it would be awesome as well of you guys added a more realistic chubby body


Aahh, I love this time of the month for yiffalicious updates. They are long, but always jam packed with updates. It's like going through a candy store it's so exciting. I'm going to be in favor of soft bodies because I have a system that can handle it with a GTX 1070, but I can see how frustrating it would be if I did not. There is always the configuration route, but that causes scenes to play differently for each user depending on their settings.


I noticed the screenshots for the adaptive skeleton showed versions that had different proportions of fat and muscle. Is the plan to allow being able to essentially define areas of the body to have those properties or is this something that's going to be configured at the character scope?


Please add ragdolls already.


VERY exciting!

Drak Drake

So you asked what we think about hardware limitations. I don't mind that one, 5 years is a pretty long time and I imagine most of your customer base will have that kind of GPU at their disposal. Plus, if you're somehow able to make it configurable, then there's no reason not to implement it. Better to have the option for those that can do it than to force everyone into not using it.


woooo soft bodies and environment collisions would be the cherry on a cake, I might be partial since i have the money to afford a 1080 ti but please don't let the hardware limit you.


That's very cool! i like!


This is all so exciting! ^_^ I'm definitely looking forward to soft bodies and now I can really put my gtx 1080 ti to good use! Are animal-like ankles/feet something we'd be able to customize with, and animal parts in general other than the head to give them a good balance of animal/anthro forms? -hope I worded that right lol ...Lastly... TTTHHHIIICCC O.O Really love how, uhm, BIG we can make 'em! (keep forgetting the text messes up with certain keys hehe, sry)


We're not 100% sure yet. You'll be able to configure muscle and fatness, but whether that occurs across the whole character or in individual parts is something we'll have to explore. Inflating belly, tits and ass will be separate sliders as before though.


Glad you are excited! So are we! Ankles - definitely. Digitigrade and different types of feet are happening. Some form of tail selection will also be a thing, and adding, uh, "stuff" in general. It's a bit too early to talk about these things though. I prefer sharing once we actually have something to show other than just words.


This is awesome. I would love soft body and environment collision, even if I had to upgrade hardware.


Good :D


OMG, I CAN MAKE REALLY MUSCULAR WOMEN!!! That is the most exciting thing in this whole article (the other stuff is just exciting :P). So happy now!!


This is insanely good! So hyped to see the actual character editor in action after this :D


A few questions, considering inflation is gonna be more (pardon the pun) expanded upon, what kinds of inflation are we likely to see? Also, question about the fluid mechanics from last update, are we going to see lactation get a pass as well?


Pretty good post but I got one question: penis slider when?


I assume you mean cum inflation / air inflation? Or do you mean what body parts can be inflated? Lactation - not ruled out but not any concrete planes either. Character creator is our focus right now, so these other systems will come later.


I think targeting a DX11 GPU is a reasonable recommended spec.


omg look so nice i can't wait <3


what programs do you use to make the 3d characters? If possible I would like to custom make my own fursona and add/upload her into the yiff crew


Model importing is an idea we have abandoned in favor of the character creator. You will be able to upload the characters you design in the character creator though. We are using Zbrush, Blender and Maya.


Can't contain excitement! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Amazing work!!


very exciting stuff! i do have one concern though. with all of this new stuff you're implementing, do you expect game performance to be better or worse compared to YL1?


I'm more excited for the soft body mechanics :D I can't wait to try real lesbian breast to breast.


Yeah lets hope the team can optimize the next game well. My Nvidia Geforce laptop could barely run 10 fps once I put 4 people on the screen XD


In terms of Percentage, how far are you guys in development before we can get a playable build?


We hope to have something out by the end of the year, but I can't promise. The first release will only come with the character editor. Interaction systems will be added later on.


All aboard the hype train yo! Very interesting stuff, cannot wait to hear the next progress update!


I can't say anything I haven't already said before. I'm extremely excited by these developments and can't wait to hear more from you in the future. As always, keep up the great work.


You're writing amazing pieces of software that could be the backbone of some interesting animation and processing engines in other games. Have you thought about licensing the tech out to others for use in their games? I know you're tailoring it to a game about Furry sex (and scaly), but seeing these demos is truly something to be in awe of from a hardware and software standpoint. You guys know you're stuff better than many of the professionals I've seen at work.


Wow! Keep up the good work, guys! This is some amazing stuff to be developing in the name of furry smut!


Thank you. It has occurred to me. Licensing our tech to others comes with responsibilities though. Not just offering support but writing documentation too. And I'll be honest - I'm only interested in coding. Spending time on useless things (i.e. not working on YL2) doesn't appeal to me at all. It's not even certain that time spent on licensing this tech would earn me any more money than if I simply just continue focusing all my energy on YL2. Even if it did, I still wouldn't be that interested. It's not about the money for me. So at this stage it's not going to happen.


Fair point. I like your passion. With that said, I still think you've developed something that could be featured in a gaming article as a review on an engine if anything. That being said, Some may be hesitant to go over the cool tech review due to the nature of the content it's used for. Either way, this is one of the cooler demos I've seen of creative and efficient coding. Kudos for making use of multi-threading/ GPU implementation.


Super excited to see continued development! Out of curiosity, do you think if the soft body tech is viable, it could be used for things like bulges/deformation from larger penetrations?


Possibly with a bit of tweaking. Bulges is something we wanna look into for sure, but whether we're gonna use this tech or something else remains to be explored!


What is the scope of the soft body tech? Are we talking full body, within reasonable (or varying!) parameters of softness, or just specific areas of interest? Full body collisions with this would be spectacular, but I'm afraid it may not be realistically possible... Still, a girl can dream right? Oh and another thing, more of a weird idea : would it be feasible to have some sort of automation for hand posing, in addition to manual, for the far future? For things like gripping, so you can place the palm correctly at something, and use a dial of some sort, a single parameter (or maybe two, for force), to curl the fingers until they collide with an object / the floor / a body part, with some springiness. It's just that posing fingers can become tedious quickly, and something like that would not only help, but make animation a breeze too. Thanks for your work !


Hi there zagzag! For what we have in mind, only spherical-like shapes on the body will be able to receive this treatment. That means belly, ass cheeks and tits. This is due to limitations of this specific tech. We hope to make this tech work on character-environment and character-character intersections (e.g. two characters pressing their inflated bellies together would produce a believable result). It still remains to be seen if we can get it working though. It's funny you bring up automatic hand posing. These past days we've been investigating how to implement a system that allows for accurate tracking of dynamic surface points on a skinned mesh. Such a system could be used to "snap" a hand to a character (or environment), and potentially even automatically grip it. Sliders for curling fingers is something we're [probably] gonna implement regardless as quick way to get the hand pose you want (fist, pointing finger etc). Hope that answers your questions!


What happened to the forum? When entering to the webpage forum; it asks me to autentification, but i cannot log in whith my nickname and password.


We've had trouble with spam the last couple of days. In order to overcome this, we updated the forum software to its newest version and had to take it down temporarily during this process. It should be up now again.


so when will we start seeing things like this implemented?


We're hoping to have an alpha build of the character creator out by the end of 2017 or at least early 2018.


So would this also allow for real-time transformations - like a human character into a horse for instance?


You won't be able to animate transformations between species unfortunately. We are however hoping to get body transformations within the same species to work with the animation systems. So you could animate a character to grow and be muscular/chubby (hopefully). Human characters are currently not planned.


Question. Are you planning on doing this for genitals as well? (Scale-able dick sizes?)


I check in almost daily with increasing hype. Yall are awesome!


Any news on when the next post is coming up? Is it gonna be in October or are we gonna have to wait for November?


We'll write up a summary of what we've been up to at the end of the month, as usual.


what is the program or editor with you the caraktere create?