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In YL2 (the successor to Yiffalicious), we want to improve virtually every part of the app compared to its predecessor. Cum is no exception. So this past month we decided to spend time investigating how we could improve cum. After lots of testing and experimentation, we're pleased to say we have arrived at a system that should offer a far better experience from before.

This new system is composed of multiple parts - each one tailored for a specific purpose that takes both the technical (performance, memory usage) and the artistic (quality, final look) into consideration. These parts are:


The particle system is what simulates cum as it shoots out from a cumming character. I.e. it's the system that is responsible for cum in mid air. Once a cum particle hits a surface, it transitions into another state (covered below). So in essence, the particle system is the foundation for all other cum effects. Without it, there wouldn't be any cause for any of it!

Yiffalicious (1) also had a particle effect for the cum. However, that effect was quite crude. This time around we're rendering the cum in such a way that thickness, shape and liquidity are considered.





This effect was very tough to achieve. We're using a multitude of different tricks to get here. It's hardly perfect, but it's far better than last time, and also does it in a reasonably efficient manner. It has a slightly higher cost than the crude particles from before, but I think it's worth it.


If a cum particle collides with the environment, we spawn a cum decal at that location. This time around, we use thickness and normal maps when rendering these decals, offering a far more realistic look than previously. Furthermore, by using texture atlases we can render all decals in a single draw call, making them very performance efficient.

(Stepping through the 8x8 texture atlas)


(Spawning cum decals on particle collision)


This new system is also a bit better at adapting its shape to whatever geometry it hits.

(Spawning decals on irregular geometry)



Getting cum to work on characters was very tough. Unlike the environment, the mesh (surface) of a character is not static. A body is able to deform its surface in a lot of different ways. This posed two very difficult problems.

1) How to collide against a dynamic mesh with reasonable resolution and performance.

Ideally, you'd want to collide against a mesh collider that accurately represents the surface of the mesh. Unfortunately, calculating such a collider is extremely expensive, and something you only want to do once (i.e., not for a changing surface). So we had to think of something different...

2) How to spawn decals on a dynamic mesh that may change later on (i.e. inflation).

We're happy to say we've managed to solve both of these problems using a custom solution that approximates the surface yet generates a valid surface point. In many ways we're cheating, but that's fine as long as the final result looks OK.

There's a small cost of spawning the cum decal on a character using this solution, but once that has been done, it has virtually no performance cost at all, no matter how many are spawned.


Wrapping it all up

All three systems working in conjunction in a scene.


Character creator progress

Although we've mostly been working on cum this month, we haven't forgotten about the character creator. We've actually spent a huge chunk of time trying to solve many technical as well as artistic problems regarding it.

With the character creator in YL2, we want to push the limits of what is possible. We want to do the furry community justice in a way that hasn't been seen yet in any furry 3D app/game. In pursuit of this goal, we have identified several unique features we want to implement, as well as the problems that come with trying to achieve them. And this is where we've managed to make some significant progress this month. One of the hardest problems we identified has been solved, and the implications of this are immense. We didn't know if it was possible, and a huge part of our vision depended it. It feels amazing we we're able to solve it.

I understand I'm being vague. I'm not one who likes to hype things up before we have something to show. In the coming months, we will explore just how far we can push this new tech, and once we have enough content, we will share it with you. Development is looking very promising and we're extremely excited.

In the mean time, here are some character creator heads Dogson has been working on:

Canine heads

Some morphing


Shark heads

Neoteny heads

A comment from Dogson on Neoteny heads:

"My main thought with the neoteny faces is that it is generic enough for users to fill it in with various appendages such as ears, horns or other objects and it will function as a jack-of-all-trades faces. Sometimes generecy can fill a function. for more about neoteny, please visit this wikilink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny ".

It goes without saying all this is very WIP and does not represent the final product.


This past month we've been investigating and implementing cum systems to be used in YL2. We've also been working on highly custom tech for our character creator, that seems very promising in our pursuit of achieving something truly unique. In the coming months, we will hopefully have something awesome to show you guys. We're extremely excited about the development.

- odes


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Wooow 😛😛😛 Nice thx's for Info Guys


Impressive work


Can I just say that this might be the most unintentionally hilarious post you guys have made so far?


Glad to see the improvements though! Looking forward to the finished product!


Hype is real


looks amazing. I have to say look extrmeley real :)


... I love you.

Dark Sunrise

Waaaaait. Wait wait wait. Is that thing you're being overly vague about object/character model importing?!


Character importing is an idea we have abandoned in favor of the character creator. There are simply too many practical issues regarding that idea.


Great work guys, keep at it!


I'm not into furries, but use this program in VR because I can easily put them in any poses I want and they have nice bodies. But it's hard to get off when they have these heads of animals, which doesn't do much for me. Wish we could change their heads to be more human like. There are other VR stuff out there with humans, but they require way more work to set up scenes and not worth it. This Yiffalicious is amazingly well done, but again - too bad it's just animals :/


We haven't completely ruled out humans. Anthros are and will remain our main focus in the foreseeable future though.


I love these updates. Thank you for continuing to keep us in the loop. On the cum dynamics, I am truly impressed. I've seen bigger companies do it much worse. Usually, it'll be a single splatter mesh that gets copied over and over again. And as humans are, in part, pattern recognition machines it is usually easy to see the same pattern being repeated. The fact that you're able to do this so much better than bigger teams and creating better more unique effects is truly impressive. I also love the update on the character creator and am excited to see the progress being made as well as the fact that you've been able to solve some major problem. (Any progress is good progress; I hope to learn more about this in the future so I can know what I'm excited about.) As always keep up the great work.


I hope you do keep this in mind and implement humans. With the implementation of humans you can broaden the audience who would be interested in this kind of project. Anthros will always be at the heart but a wider audience and greater support can be found in those people interested in AnthrosXHumans and HumansXHumans. Of course the danger is you may spread yourself too thin or maybe alienating your base but I think this can be overcome by implementing them in phases or piecemeal. A human phase later on or for every human related thing multiple anthro things will be developed. If you do choose to implement humans I'm sure you'll figure out the best way to do it. As always you continue to have my faith and support. (P.S. Humans ARE animals... Primates in point of fact.)


Glad to hear. Importing characters seems like an almost impossibly huge endeavor which would eat up resources and time, better used elsewhere, to implement. Any character could theoretically be (re-)created in a sufficiently detailed character creator, anyhow. Also, imported from what? YL1 or anything, like with Smash Bros. mods? I think characters, with regard to the former, could be quite easily recreated within YL2, however, the latter would be unwieldy to implement and would probably require the creation of complicated importing and rigging tools and significant knowledge and experience on the part of the user in rigging models in order to effectively use them, which the majority of users may never use. I don't think they'd ever look as good as models created in YL2 either. I think the a cost/benefit analysis clearly puts this on the shelf, at least for the time being. I don't know about objects though. That may be easier to implement.


Could not be more excited especially with how good this demo is looking. While working on this will there be some randomness or the ability to move around in between "loads" for some extra fine tuning?


In YL2 you'll have much greater control in your interactions in general. The exact details of how the cum events will function is something we'll have to work out once we get to it. Timing, amount and duration seems like obvious properties one should be able to configure.


Yeah, this is what I thought as well. If they include more "types", they will broaden the audience a lot. Virtual sex stuff like this that is not video (video sucks in VR) is very sought after and there's only a few options out there, and I've tried them all :P, but this Yiffalicious beats them all IMO. I love the bodies, boobs, vaginas, ALL the things you can do with them, but especially the ease of which we can put them in poses and animate. My favorite go-to "app" is Waifu Sex Simulator because there are some models I love, like Mei (super cute and THICC), and a couple of others. I'm not into hentai/manga type girls, only the more realistic ones. Honey Select is just tedious to get running and use. So far, nothing beats Yiffalicious. I just wish we could have different heads/faces on them. I love the Citor3 chicks as well (but you can't do much with them, I'm a patreon and have tried all releases), they are hot as fuck. I'm mainly a face person. Anyway, keep up the good work, and I hope we get what me (and others) have been asking for sometime in the near future :)


Will you have a permanent cum option available? These updates are literally amazing!


I believe it is meant that the cum does not fade over time after being sprayed, as opposed to decal decay.


There is currently no decal decay implemented. I figured cum is wiped when changing interaction.


Could you make an option for those that don't want it to disappear at all by chance like when switching subjects etc? You could make it so it disappears when being in the shower or using the shower? Then there is actual use for it! :D


Since this seems like an update on "Fluids", any chance we are gonna get lactation implemented in the early stages of YL2?


Ooh, I see Dogmom in one of those head sculptures


DEADLY !!! ; )