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Feels like May ended before it even started. WOOSH! Gone. I guess the weird weather is to blame for this, at least in part. It pretty much went straight from snow and cold directly to summer over here. No spring.

Anyway, we've done some stuff. Here's our progression for May.

IK rig

We've started implementing inverse kinematics (IK) behavior and different types of nodes. This time around, we're doing things a bit different from before. In Yiffalicious, we relied heavily upon the IK rig, so affecting specific bones part of that IK rig was not possible (everything was controlled by IK rig). Now it's possible to actually influence specific bones in the actual rig.


Before, the spine was controlled by the location of the hand nodes as well as a special type of node (the purple one). In YL2 the spine is still influenced by the location of the hand nodes, as it tries to satisfy the IK constraints, but you can also influence the spine directly, as shown in the video above. This means you have much more control over the spine, as you can bend and twist it as desired.

Same goes for the fingers. When selecting a hand node, nodes for its fingers become visible and you can transform them directly:


Since everything is part of the same unified timeline system you can of course animate this as you like:


(Still only using linear interpolation. More interpolations will be implemented later on.)

Being able to control where the characters look is another thing we are implementing in YL2:


In this example above, we have two eye targets parented to a main target node that the head is looking at. So you can control where the head and eyes look.

Organ areas

Dogson has been continuing to work on the universal mesh for the character creator. Please be aware that this is still WIP.



Penis and scrotum




Female shape with male organ and Male shape with female organ


Some shapes morphing inside Unity

Generic Female shapes




Experimental Fit/Muscular Female shape



Generic Male


Plantigrade to Digitigrade


Creation space

Sometimes work can become a bit tedious, so it's nice to mix it up with something different. In my case I like to have side projects where I screw around in Unity and try out new ideas or try to recreate something I thought was cool. It's a great way to learn and sometimes you end up with something you can actually use in your development.

This month I was very inspired by something I saw in the Quake Champions beta (video game). In their character customization, they have this really nice animated, smoky background that I thought added a lot to the atmosphere. I wanted to see if I could create something similar to that for our character creation scene.

In Quake, the background was basically just gray and black. A bit too... "evil" looking, so I tried adding some color. At that point, it started looking a lot like a nebula, so I just went with that idea and started adding stars and stuff to it. This is the current result:


A speed up video showing the background animation more clearly:


The environment is achieved through a regular fragment shader, and it's procedural so you can change the location of the sun and the shader responds.


This project was a lot of fun to work with and I learned so much from it. It was my first time creating an environment shader like this. I'm quite happy how it turned out, and think it will be a very positive and relaxing environment to create characters in.

What's next

This month we'll turn back our focus to Yiffalicious. We'll finish up and integrate the new office level and also implement Finn the border collie. Finn & Office will conclude Yiffalicious. All future work after that will be spent on YL2.

I'm thinking we should start working on the character creator for YL2 after this. I was even considering that we might release YL2 with solely the character editor, before the interaction sytems are implemented. That way we could get out a build sooner, and people can start experimenting with the editor. No interactions could be made, but I'm thinking creating characters might be enough for some to enjoy it. What do you guys think about that?

- odes


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Looks absolutely fantastic! I'd adore to be able to make characters beforehand! I wrote this on the last post but I'll say it again! It would be lots of fun to experiment and prepare before putting them into action!


Wow O__O When is the release??!


Personally I think finn/office update should be tabled indefinitely and instead just shift focus to YL2 now. Loads of people are already champing at the bit to see what you guys are doing with the new(er) IP and probably would prefer to mess around with the CC ahead of schedule, giving you valuable feedback while you work on the interaction system. just my 2c


Great work as always, love the idea of releasing a stand-alone yl2 character builder too.


I agree lets get YL2 out. You can refurbish the Office for 2. As for finn he can wait.


I would still like a proper Dildo prop (to be used in the same vain as how people are currently doing it) that way we can have an easier time making orgies, machines, or just some nice girl time without having to worry about the Character limit.


Really fucking amazingly awesome! And I agree that you should release the character creator beforehand to get people introduced to it, and learn it before YL2. :3


Well, all of those things are amazing. Looking forward to be able to play with all that stuff.


I like everything so far. Is there going to be a "public" release of charlotte for those of us who are donating less then $12? Or will that be after you start working solely on YL2?


I think it would be a good idea to release a beta for the character editor so people can get a taste of it and people can test it out for bugs.


Super excited!


Quality of life suggestions, 1.group nodes so we don't have too position 15 nodes to make a fist 2.save/load just for certain groups of nodes so we can change hand gesture without affecting rest of nodes. Looks nice so far, keep up good work.


WAW beeautifull

Cordis Eros

ALong with custom characters, will our favorite YL1 characters also be in YL2 to just choose? I am fixated on just about all your girls XD


Can't wait to play with the character editor. That smoky background looks awesome as well!


Creating charactors is going to be 90% of YL2 haha! Good goin guys! You keep pushing for a better and better simulation with freedom!


Character creation is my JAM! So I am onr hundred percent behind getting an early character creation, especially so if there is a way to save them, or at least save the custom options (numbers or something) so it's easier to import to the live version eventually.

Shadow Drake

The amount of work you lot are putting in is amazing, finaly being able to work with the spine and fingers is going to be so dam sweet. Loving that they 'look' and head tilt is going to be in aswell.. I wonder though will you be able to look with the eyes separately to the heads look?


yes i was waiting on some news, yes please release the character editor first can't wait to play with it .


An idea just hit me since you will be making character editor from scratch is there a possibility of multiboob and animal\human type genitalia ?


Ooo a character creator demo? Heck yea that would be fun. Love the work you guys do. Keep it up


Hmm this sounds interesting also would you add a preset of some of the caritors that we could re make or something along that line?


I love character creators! I wouldn't mind that


I think it's a good idea to release the character creator, even if the rest of Yiffalicious is still not done.

SoanoS Barcoded

Character creator just might keep us busy enough for the time it takes you to release first version of YL2. Of course, it would be nice to be able to save your character for later use. :)


OsiOsi is excited. .


i'll take just the character creator at first, i can get plenty of enjoyment out of that to tide me over personally, and there's also YL1 in the mean time.


all these new improvements :D really great job on yl2 ^^and can't wait to test the character editor *_* the background make me think of this song <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feA64wXhbjo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feA64wXhbjo</a> x)


while working on the final parts of YL1, can you please please please fix the cow's inflated stomach being so bouncy? I really liked it on the first release, and the interaction with the breasts is great, but it's so difficult to control a fully inflated belly on her now on almost any interaction because it bounces around so wildly :I


my bday today and just checked up on YL progress and damn is this looking nice :D cant wait to have more fun when YL 2 comes out.


Looks awesome guys, can't wait until the first build releases!


Looking forward to the character creator. Re: SoanoS Barcoded saving characters I'd say not to restrict yourself by making the characters savable/usable for future iterations as the builds will most certainly change and will most likely not be compatible in the long run. If this seems like it will be the case it might behoove you to make everyone aware of this, lest they are caught unawares and complain.


Thanks Yiffy Crew for keeping this project going. Please metnion me in the streams. I have significant internet difficulties, but still very dedicated to funding this project. Love, your friendly ghost muscle wolf and $50 donater, LupineDream

SoanoS Barcoded

Nothing is stopping you from not saving. ;) But I understood the characters are created in a separate character editor which may or may not be integrated to main game. I do have a feeling that the devs will try to make the character format in a way it would be possible to save them for later use.


I love the finger setup:)

Christopher Wagener

any plans to include support for cloaca or genital slits?


Looking good ... as we say. "The waiting time is long"


Please implement ragdoll physics in YL2. You are basically making SFM at this point.