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Quickstart guide if you're new to google colab notebooks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gu8qJbRN553SYrYEMScC4i_VA_oThbVZrDVvWkQu3yI

The changelog:

  • add colormatch turbo frames toggle
  • add colormatch before stylizing toggle
  • add faster flow generation (up to x4 depending on disk bandwidth)
  • add faster flow-blended video export (up to x10 depending on disk bandwidth)
  • add 10 evenly spaced frames' previews for flow and consistency maps
  • add warning for missing ffmpeg on windows
  • add force_os for xformers setup
  • add load ckpt onto gpu option
  • add patchmatch inpainting for inconsistent areas
  • add warp towards init (thanks to Zippika from deforum team)
  • add grad with respect to denoised latent, not input (4x faster) (thanks to EnzymeZoo from deforum team)
  • add init/latent scale towards real frame option (thanks to Zippika from deforum team)
  • add json schedules (thanks to brbbbq)
  • add settings comparison
  • save output videos to a separate video folder (thanks to Colton)
  • add xformers for colab
  • add latent init blending
  • add verbose mode
  • add 4 channels (4d) support to user-defined latent stats
  • add 4 channels (4d) support to fixed code mode
  • track latent stats across all frames
  • print latent norm average stats
  • add latent warp mode
  • add consistency support for latent warp mode
  • add masking support for latent warp mode
  • add normalize_latent modes: init_frame, init_frame_offset, stylized_frame, stylized_frame_offset
  • add normalize latent offset setting


  • fix consistency check failing after flow generation
  • fix xformers install for win and colab torch versions 1.12/1.13
  • fix installation not working after being interrupted
  • fix xformers install for A*000 series cards.
  • fix error during RAFT init for non 3.7 python envs
  • fix settings comparing typo
  • fix frame correction for non-existent reference frames
  • fix init scale loss to use 1/2 sized images
  • fix xformers not loading until restart
  • fix inference mode bug
  • fix xformers not working on colab


- add os, platform to animation settings cell for those don't run all :D
- set num_workers to 0 by default in generate flow cell to avoid crash on windows
- fix xformers install a bit for windows

Detailed changelog: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76287150

A more thorough guide (a bit outdated, but covers most of the warp-specific stuff): https://docs.google.com/document/d/11xxHyvkCBBUwT73lWHQx-T_FU_rC7HWzNylftyCExcE

For tech support and other questions please join our discord server: https://discord.gg/YrpJRgVcax

Discord is the preferred method, because it is nearly impossible to provide any decent help or tech support via patreon due its limited text formatting and inability to add screenshots or videos to comments or DMs.

- fix xformers for T4/A100 on colab
- fix PyPatchMatch error 


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