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Notebook: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75453953

Sup, folks? Have you recovered from your thanksgiving already? Time to do some warp then! :D 

Here's the changelog for v0.5.22 -  faster flow gen and video export

  • add colormatch turbo frames toggle
  • add colormatch before stylizing toggle
  • add faster flow generation (up to x4 depending on disk bandwidth)
  • add faster flow-blended video export (up to x10 depending on disk bandwidth)
  • add 10 evenly spaced frames' previews for flow and consistency maps
  • add warning for missing ffmpeg on windows
  • fix installation not working after being interrupted
  • fix xformers install for A*000 series cards.
  • fix error during RAFT init for non 3.7 python envs
  • fix settings comparing typo

colormatch turbo

stage-settings -> danger zone -> colormatch_turbo
Previously, colormatch functions were applied to each frame, which could produce an overly pronounced effect in turbo mode. You can now turn it off for turbo mode only and keep on for non-turbo frames, where colormatching may actually be useful.

colormatch before stylizing

stage-settings -> danger zone -> colormatch_after

Previously, colormatch functions were applied after stylizing the frame right before saving it to disk. This made the result on disk look different than the preview and mislead you a bit. 

faster flow generation

Optical map settings -> Generate optical flow and consistency maps -> threads / workers

Previously flow has been calculated for 1 frame at a time, each frame waiting for previous one to finish rendering and saving flow maps and previews to disk. 

Now we don't wait for files to be saved and begin processing the next frame. Even at treads=1 \ workers=1 it may offer a slight increase in performance. The process is still run on GPU, so multithreading is only used for saving files here.

The boost depends on GPU \ disk speed ratio, so if you have a slow GPU and fast SSD, you won't notice much of a difference. For example, T4 colab pro only has 20% boost.
On machines with multiple cores and beefy GPUs you can get a nice boost in performance on high resolutions, so A100 colab pro+ will have up to x4 boost at 2k resolutions.

faster video export in flow blend mode

Create the video -> create video -> threads

Same as in the previous case, but this time it's completely multithreaded, as frames are warped on CPU, so you can get a higher boost, depending on CPU cores and disk bandwidth. A100 colab pro+ had x10 speedup compared to 1 thread. 

Add previews for all the maps

(enabled by default)

Previews are now generated for frames, flow, consistency, and alpha maps. You can now check that everything is okay with your input videos faster. This may be helpful during debugging. For example, bad video quality may produce a bad alpha mask which will not detect the background correctly and instead mess up the whole render, which is hard to debug without looking at those images manually.

warning for missing ffmpeg.exe on windows

A lot of people were getting "missing file" error during video frames extraction, making them think that the video path was incorrect, when it was ffmpeg.exe that was missing. Now you'll get a missing ffmpeg.exe error. 

Notebook: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75453953



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Thanks, that looks great but i can't test it, your collab doesn't work anymore on my local installation :( A lot of errors @step 1.4


Can you join discord and tell more about the errors you're getting so we can help?


I did and you helped well ! Thanks again