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My friends! I'm 15 pages into a story and thought maybe I'd have it done before the end of the month, but I think I'm going to need a few more days. Plus, I don't want to just rush something out just for the sake of hitting some arbitrary month marker (much as I could use the funds, haha helpppp...) BUT! Rest assured something is coming soon, and I'd say it's a little bit more of a traditional Aardvarkian tale. I'm aiming to have two stories in June.

Reminder: you will have no charges for May if I don't post a story. No need to cancel! (Please don't).

But I DO have progress pics so once I edit out my face on those, I'll be posting them for the Daddies. I'm looking pretty skinny if I do say so myself.



Looking forward to seeing the stories! Appreciate the time and effort 🎉