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Declan and Jack are as close as friends can be. And that's just about all I can tell you without spoiling the story...



This was such a fucking rollercoaster. I'll be the first to admit I usually jerk off to your stories, but I was too emotionally invested in this one to just frivolize it like that. That whole life story of Declan in the last pages felt so good to read, made me feel so happy for him. A transformation story in real time, no magic involved, just a man fighting for his own ideal of beauty. I'm not very good at taking inspiration, I usually feel bittersweet about not having the discipline or drive to work like these people do. This was one of those times, I'll admit. Whatever, I'm rambling. All in all an awesome subversion of transformation stories and a great inspiring tale. Awesome job, Mr. D'Vark.


Jack's transformation was just.... oooomph. So good. I look up to writing scenes that hot.


Incredible!! Gosh that ambiguous ending! All of this was so good that. Amazing tf and I really felt for the characters