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Jacob was lost in thought as he browsed through the endless options available to him in the virtual reality program. He had always been fascinated by big men, and now, with this new technology at his fingertips, he could finally bring his fantasies to life...

With a deep breath, Jacob decided to go all out. He selected the option for creating a completely original character and began customizing every aspect of his appearance, from height and body type to facial features and hair color. But there was one thing that Jacob knew he couldn't compromise on: and that was the size. As he increased the sliders for muscle mass and height, an excited smile spread across his face. His creation grew taller with each adjustment until he stood at an imposing seven feet tall, broad shoulders stretched even further apart as they filled out with thick slabs of muscle, thighs like tree trunks supported a powerful stance, arms bulged with veins popping against their surface.

Jacob watched in amazement as this god-like figure came into being before him, exactly how he'd imagined they would be! With a final touch up on some details here or there (mostly just making sure everything was exaggerated even more), Jacob felt satisfied enough that no detail went unnoticed or untouched when crafting the perfect specimen.




great idea!


that nipple pinch!! so hot