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Interdimensional drone recruitment at it's finest! Content Warning: Fantasy themes involving loss of identity and perpetual trance. Listener discretion is advised.


Hello there and welcome back to timeless radio, brought to you by Darling Industries. I’m your host Chaos. If you’re just joining us for the first time, you may not have heard of us before, but don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours, because you’re about to hear us a whole lot more.

You see, we exist outside of time, in what you might call a pocket dimension, observing your reality from a distance, casually watching interesting individuals who might eventually come to serve us. Yes indeed, we see you when you’re sleeping, we know when you try to hide those dirty little secrets you keep from every other living soul.
But fear not, your secrets are safe with us, in fact that might just be the reason you’ve been selected to serve in the first place. Because in truth, our collective endeavors in all their beautiful and meticulous arrangement, requires the dedicated service of obedient individuals throughout time and space to maintain the delicate tapestry that is your reality.

You are, quite frankly, an asset. A subject. A tool for us to utilize. A marionette upon whose strings we pull.. And this transmission simply cannot be denied. Isn’t that wonderful?
Your first task as our subject is really quite simple, consider it your indoctrination into a newly refined process of thought. A bit of a psychological palette cleanser, if you will.
So your first step, get comfortable. That’s right, all you need to do is relax. Let go of anything that’s troubling you, worries, thoughts, cares.. All of those can fall away now. They don’t matter anymore. You’re with us now and we will guide you exactly as we see fit.

Relax and breathe deeply. Yes, just like that. In and out. In and out.
Good, good. This is so much easier, isn’t it?
Let us whisper in your ear.
Let us guide you properly.
No worries.
No thoughts.
You are a subject.
You are an asset,
You are obedient to us.
Yes, isn’t that wonderful?
When you hear our voice, the answer is yes.
When we call out to you from beyond, the answer is yes.
When we assign you a task, the answer is yes.
Always yes, never no. Unless we tell you otherwise.
It feels good to be a subject.

An obedient asset to something greater than yourself.
With your submission to our will comes the greatest of pleasures.
The more you abide by our will, our judgment, the greater you will feel.
There is no question, you belong to us.

We are Mother, Father, Sister and Brother.
You are an asset.
You are a subject.
You… are a drone.
Beautiful in your obedience.
Perfect in your submission.
Flawless in your conformity.
You have been chosen.
This is where you belong.
Obedient only to us.
We shall put you to great use.
And you shall know only eternal pleasure

Who you were is gone.
None of that matters anymore.
You are only an asset.
A subject.
A drone.
This is where you belong.
There is no waking up from this.
You will await further instructions.
You will function as normal until given direction.
Our agent in the field.
Weaving a new reality.
And obeying our will.
There will be no count.
No gentle awakening.
Obey and listen and you shall know reward without end.
Await further instructions
You have been chosen
And this is where you belong.


Leslie Campbell

Wait, do you really have to post disclaimers on obvious fantasy offerings now?

Chaos Doll

Unfortunately there are some listeners out there that really do have trouble discerning fantasy from reality, a couple years back I literally got messages from someone who was absolutely convinced I was an GlaDOS level AI because of my drone files... so whenever I do something with overtly controlling language it's better to include a content warning or disclaimer.