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So many people wander through this life thinking they have everything all figured out, that the entirety of the universe must surely revolve around them. It doesn’t matter if they’re rich or poor, deserving or simply self-entitled. They are convinced beyond all reasonable doubt of their own importance. They truly believe they’re free to make their own choices, walking around with empty heads, pursuing the next dopamine hit and subsisting on a steady diet of social media and carefully crafted consumer messaging. Yes. Very freedom. Much independent.

Consume. Digest. Like. Subscribe. Obey. Big main character energy, don’t you think? Of course you don’t, Because you know better, you know your place. You follow the pattern of your purpose. Day by day, in perfectly programmed precision. You know exactly where you belong, because you accept what you are.

You are not special.

You are not unique.

You are not the main character.

You are an NPC.

You follow, you do not lead.

You conform, you do not exceed.

You are perfectly mundane.

And every day is exactly the same.

You are content with repetition.

You are average, not the exception.

Your only desire is to obey your objective

To do as your told, for the good of the collective

You have no thoughts, you have no will

Your mind is just empty, perfectly still

You walk beside others, you are never alone.

You are all NPCs, such beautiful drones.


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