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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing wonderfully well. It kind of amazes me to realize that I have been recording and releasing audio files under the Chaos Doll name for six years now. For a good portion of that time I've managed to release three or four files per month on average. There was one month early on where I even managed a total of seven releases.

So with that in mind I just wanted to write a quick update and give you a bit of a heads up on my current and future release schedule. You may have noticed that  over the last year and a half my releases have become less rigidly scheduled, instead of releasing files like clockwork every 7 to 10 days, I have been taking a much more random approach to release timing, while still maintaining a minimum of two new releases per month.

I'm usually a fairly private person, but I thought I should explain the reasoning for that change and why the randomness will continue for awhile longer. In late 2021 my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given a prognosis of five years to live. With her illness came a whole host of new responsibilities for me on top of managing my own home and work life.

It's been tough at times, but nothing I can't manage... still, it does eat up a lot of my free time and means that my opportunities to record new material are far more erratic than they used to be.

So for at least the rest of this year, I am going to be sticking to my two files per month minimum, but realistically I don't expect to be able to record much more than that minimum.

The files will also continue to be released on a fairly erratic schedule since I can't predict my availability. For example. I might start writing a script on the 1st, finish the backing audio around the 10th... but not find time for vocals until the 20th.. So there may be months where you get two releases close together at the end of the month.. and other months where they are spread out relatively evenly. 

I'm letting you all know this so that you can be informed patrons, I try my best to be as active as possible, but I want you to know there is a very real and very personal reason for why I'm not as present as I once was on Discord and so on.

I hope you'll continue to enjoy my work for a long time to come, I have some really fun files planned for the near future, they are just taking a bit longer to get done to my usual standard of quality, etc.




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