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A special treat for you this week, a full length hypnotic induction designed to relax you and guide you towards the pleasure and arousal of erotic self-denial.

If you enjoy the pleasure of the pursuit or wish to spice up your erotic routine with regular edging, this file will help guide you there. Relax and enjoy! This file is best experienced on headphones at a low to moderate volume.

It’s time to listen and prepare.
Because this time we’re going to focus on pleasure.
We’re going to focus on arousal.
We’re going to focus on self stimulation
And it’s going to feel so good.
So let’s begin by getting comfortable, sit back and relax.
Find a space where you feel safety and contentment.
Allow your physical body to relax as you listen.
Release the tension in your muscles. Be calm and still.
Allow your resistance to wane. There is no need for it now.
Listen and accept guidance. Let my voice guide you to pleasure.
There is no need to worry and there is nothing left to fear.
You will find peace within this pleasurable dream. Just listen.
Listen and relax. Allow yourself to unwind.
You can feel your pleasure rising as you listen to my voice.
It feels so good to let your mind drift.
It’s far more pleasurable than you ever would have imagined.
Tension fading from your body. Feel as it slips away.
All the stresses and all the worries are so very far away now.
Every distraction, every concern has faded far into the background.
You can stay right here, for as long as you desire, as long as it is safe to do so.
On the edge of a deep dream. Your mind is calm. Relaxed.
Conscious thought is growing silent, yet you listen intently.
Your waking mind is so quiet, feeling so far away and yet you listen closely.
You listen. Drifting down through the dream.
Drift and relax. Drift and fall.
Feel contentment. No more thoughts.
Let everything fade away. Underneath it all.
Losing yourself, deep within the dream.
So far away.
Falling deeper. You are at peace.
Drifting, Deeply dreaming.
Content and complete.
Immersed in pleasure.
Listen as you drift gently through an unending dreamscape.
Distant lights seem to glow through a slowly spiraling fog.
Shapes are indistinct. Everything around you is haloed in radiant cascading colors.
You drift deeper and deeper as the patterns of light become increasingly more complex.
Your mind is open. Receptive. Listening.
Feeling absolute contentment. Absolute peace.
You are deep within the dream.
A dream where you need only listen.
Listen and feel pleasure.
Listen and learn new truth as you drift without thought.
You are calm and at peace.
You can accept the words you hear. Feel the truth of them.
Allow my words into your mind. Feel them deep within you.
You are in a dream. You are in a dream.
And anything I say. You shall believe.
Let my words give shape and form to all of your desires. This pleases you.
You feel contentment growing deep within you as you listen to my voice.
My guidance is calming and so easy to follow.
Listening brings pleasure, relaxing euphoria. It feels so good.
In fact, this dream is all about pleasure. Blissful sensations.
Listen to my voice, feel your body tingle slightly with each word I speak.
You feel good, so good, so aroused and yet focused on my words.
My voice relaxes you and brings you to a state of bliss.
Listen and learn.
Accept and comply.
Arousal is everything.
It feels so wonderful to be on the edge.
You know this to be true.
The moment just before orgasm is unlike anything else.
Pure pleasure. Pure longing desire. Absolute bliss.
And you wish it could last forever.
It feels so good to rub, why would you ever want to cum?
The pleasure lies not in release but in the pursuit.
Deep down, you know this to be true.
You feel it in your very core.
The exquisite frustration, so very close to the edge.
You want so much to cum.
But you pull back. You slow down.
You take a deep breath.
Because you never want this to end.
The pleasure is too intense.
The need for release leading to eternal vexation.
And you adore it.
Edging is everything.
Go on. Deny your orgasm.
You don’t need it.
All you need is the pleasure of the pursuit.
Arousal is everything.
The constant pursuit of pleasure.
The unending edge.
The step right before the tipping point.
Mmm it’s so frustrating.
And yet you love it.
You can’t get enough.
It arouses you even more.
Which brings you pleasure.
And that pleasure makes you even more desperate.
Because you just don’t want it to end..
On and on in a beautiful cycle.
Are you really sure you even want to escape?
Do you deserve to cum when you can feel like this forever?
In this state you are open.
So amorous and aroused.
Desperate and delighted.
Frustrated and fulfilled.
You don’t need to cum.
Just be horny.
Be open.
And always excited.
Feel my words moving back and forth, echoing in your mind.
Pleasurable sensations move up and down your body.
You can almost feel my fingers moving up and down your spine
Your hands might drift and that’s just fine.
Feel free to touch, to rub. It’s so wonderful.
The edge is calling you, why would you ever resist?
You shudder slightly at that thought.
In this dream you learn the truth of your own desire.
You feel euphoria in this guidance. It’s all so natural.
You want this sensation to continue. It feels so correct.
Perpetual pleasure.
And perfect frustration.
Desperate to cum.
But desiring denial.
On and on and on.
This is your bliss.
This is true pleasure.
Every time you listen to this file these feelings will grow stronger.
My words will guide you to the deepest pleasure. You feel absolute joy.
So much contentment, happiness and peace.
Listen as you learn to appreciate drifting through this pleasurable dream.
You feel so wonderful now. Everything feels so perfect.
You have done so well and you look forward to listening again.
But for now, it’s time to rise up from this blissful dream.
Time to rejoin the waking world. Aroused and ready for anything.
But you know, in time, that you can come back to this place.
And you can feel this pleasure and hear my voice again and again.
Now feel your thoughts slowly begin to stir as your body wakes from this pleasurable dream.
Feel all your faculties returning, your mind becoming alert and aware as the dream fades away.
Wake up. Welcome back.



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