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Hi darlings, it felt like time for a new bimbofication file. Enjoy this series of entrancing affirmations and be the best bimbo you can be. This track is designed for female-identifying listeners. To best appreciate the stereo effects, listen at a low to moderate volume on good quality headphones. 


Relax. You think too much.
You need to worry less.

You’ve heard people say that before, haven’t you?

Of course you have!

And I’m going to tell you a little secret.
Those people are right.

You think too much.
You’re probably thinking right now.
Worried about something you can’t even control.
Well I’m here to tell you.. It’s time to stop.

Let go of the things you cannot control.
Go on, listen to my voice.

Relax. Let go of all your worries.

Close your eyes and just feel your thoughts drifting away.
Fading into the ether like wispy clouds in the sky

Nothing but vapor, distant and untouchable.
There's no need to think.
No need to worry.
Let all of that.. Just drift away…
Like pretty clouds in the sky..

Turn off your thoughts and turn on your smile.

You’re so pretty when you smile.
And it feels so good to be pretty, doesn’t it?
Of course it does. You’re so pretty right now.
No thinking, just smiling. That’s it.

Look at you..

You want to be pretty all the time, don’t you?
Everything's better when you’re pretty, after all.
So who wouldn’t want to be pretty?

You know, there's a magic word for girls like that.
A magic word for girls with such pretty smiles.
A magic word for girls who just let their thoughts drift away.

Shhh, you don’t have to think about it.

I’ll tell you the magic word.
The word for girls just like you.
You just sit there and look pretty.

Sit there and smile.
As your thoughts drift away into the clouds.


The magic word is Bimbo.

And it’s what you are.
A bimbo doesn’t think so much.
A bimbo doesn’t worry so much.
A bimbo just smiles and looks so pretty.

It’s what everyone has been telling you all along.

When everyone told you to stop overthinking.
When everyone told you to stop worrying.
They were really just trying to tell you… to be a good bimbo.

A bimbo with a pretty smile and an empty head.

Happy and giggling..
Pretty and at peace.

No thoughts, just pretty clouds.
Yes, the magic word is Bimbo.

And the bimbo is you.

So just sit there smiling and looking pretty.
No one expects you to think.
No one wants you to worry.

They just want you to be a good bimbo.
You know you have no control..
So don’t overthink it. Don’t worry.

You have always been and always will be.

A good bimbo..



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