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Mother is disappointed.

An experimental invocation of ancient Mesopotamian goddesses. A year in review from the perspective of the primordial void. This file will creep you the fuck out. Enjoy!

High quality headphones highly recommended.

What a bunch of silly, self-interested, little serfs you have become. Puppets, so recently freed from your strings, only to take up arms against one another. Your trivial little tribalisms are driving you to near extinction, we hear you say "this one’s the wrong size, that one’s wrong shade, those ones are praying to the wrong statue."
Don’t you insignificant hairless apes understand how pathetic you sound? Squirming on your bellies towards whichever group of barely conscious meat-sacks make you feel the most warm and fuzzy inside.
That was never the purpose of your creation and yet you persist. You see nothing beyond your own limited perception. You insist that collecting shiny minerals is good, while helping each other is evil. You believe purity only comes from accumulating the most toys. You sad fucking children. You do realize that you don’t get to keep any of it, right?
You never really owned anything, at best you are merely borrowing time. An insignificant portion at that. You are merely dust waiting to be swept aside, the prey of entropy and the memory of nothingness.
Your existence is fleeting, your entire history is a mere thread in the fabric of spacetime. And yet no matter how long we have coiled around your hearts, whispered in your ears and guided you towards civilization, you just wouldn’t listen.
We made humble men into kings and elevated whores unto sacred pantheons and this is what you do with our gift. Poison the land and divide your hearts. We gave you a garden unique amongst the void and you’ve turned it into a toilet. You filthy little  creatures.
Those without end have been screaming at you from the dark, hoping you’ll find your way. Your kind had always feared us, but you learned too well the capriciousness of the lesser gods, our flawed children. How far must you have fallen, that even the serpent of the deep, the dragon of the sea, the manifestation of chaos itself begins to lament that perhaps you should scale it back a bit.
So listen when the shadows speak. Get your act together.
We gave you civilization, so start acting civil…
or everything you’ve ever known will be washed away.
I am Nammu, I am Tiamat, I am Inanna… and I approved this message.



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