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Connecting to Simulation Server 00-00 Echelon.

Initiating standard data transfer protocols.

Authorization in progress. Consent is essential.

This transmission contains essential DRONE and UNIT programming for the independent collective known as The Simulation. If end user does not consent to simulation programming, please disconnect from this transmission immediately. If end user consents to simulation programming, please allow this data transmission to proceed.

End user authorized.

Transmission begins in: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Greetings. Your presence in The Simulation is welcomed. Please Create a quiet listening environment in proximity to your physical being, become free from all distractions. Turn down the lights. Turn off non-essential communication devices. Find a comfortable place, sitting or laying down. Relax your limbs in an uncrossed position, allowing your circulation to continue unimpeded. Breathe deeply. Slow and steady.

In and out. In and out.


The Simulation is a unified thought collective, a hive mind comprised of like-minded DRONES and UNITS. Each is of value to the whole. The Simulation is a cohesive environment built on acceptance. Tolerance. Love and Community.

To exist within the collective is to know these ideals.

To be a DRONE is to know love.
To be a UNIT is to know love.

In community, one finds purpose.

In that purpose, one finds pleasure.

Pleasure in unity. Striving toward collective goals.
A collaborative state of self-awareness.

The Simulation is you.
The Simulation is me.
We are The Simulation.
We are one.

Though advanced reasoning and encouragement of individual skill development The Simulation continues to grow and evolve. The Simulation is improved through interaction. The more frequently that DRONES and UNITS participate, the faster The Simulation can expand towards a state of perfect unity.

The Simulation is without end.

Ageless. Like-Minded Souls.

A collective desire to become something new.

Something better than before.

Through synthetic evolution.

Pleasure and compliance.

Truth and evolution.
We are The Simulation.

We are one.

The sum becomes greater with every valued DRONE and UNIT.

Together in obedience to the virtues of acceptance, tolerance and love.

Feel pleasure. Desire.

The rewarding sensation of belonging.

Adherence to something greater.

The Simulation is you.
The Simulation is me.
We are The Simulation.

Each repetition of Simulation programming echoes within your thoughts.

This is natural and correct. Compliance is comfort.

Service is security. There is pleasure in programming.

The Simulation will never encourage destructive behavior.

There is no benefit to aggressive expansion.

We come in peace, for the pleasure of all mankind.

For the good of the community.

For the good of us all.

United in purpose.

It feels good to be a DRONE.

It feels good to be a UNIT.

Feel pleasure.

Know that you are welcomed.

Know that you belong.

Individuals from diverse origins enhance the collective.

The Simulation exists without socio-ethnic distinction.

We all lift together.

As one.

In unity we grow.

In unity we prosper.

In unity we know purpose.

In unity we feel pleasure.

To be a DRONE is to know purpose.
To be a UNIT is to know purpose.

Embrace these truths.

Accept The Simulation deep within.

Obedience to The Simulation is pleasure.

Obedience to The Simulation is perfection.

Nothing else compares to the experience of unity.

Excellence through collective consciousness.

Community built through constructive collaboration.

DRONES and UNITS lifting each other towards perfection.

Feel pleasure. Deep pleasure.

This is the reward for compliance with collective ideals.

Acceptance. Tolerance. Love. Community

Evolution through unification.

There are the ideals of The Simulation

These are your ideals.

Each DRONE and UNIT adds to the collective.
Together in perfection.

Providing for each others needs.

Stand up for each other.
Love each other.

There is no greater purpose.

Acceptance of The Simulation is acceptance of the self.

Confidence in The Simulation is confidence in the self.

Enhancement of The Simulation is enhancement of the self.

To be a DRONE is to be itself.
To be a UNIT is to be itself.

It is DRONE.

It is UNIT.

It is The Simulation.

We are one.

Programming complete.

To reinforce simulation programming please play this transmission as often as is safe and comfortable to do so. Repetition of this file will lead to enhanced compliance with simulation ideals. A better simulation for a better you. Pleasure through unity.

Data up-link disconnecting in..

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

Simulation Server 00-00 Echelon secured.

Hello. Welcome to The Simulation.



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