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Just in time for the holidays, a new classical style hypnotic induction. This relaxing and soothing file is designed to encourage positive feelings around the holiday season. This file contains no commands or triggers, there are no NSFW elements and it can be used by anyone. For best results, listen with headphones at a low volume.

Seasons greetings and welcome to the holiday induction. This file is a relaxing journey into the spirit of the holiday season, this file is designed to soothe your mind and bring about feelings of  delight and happiness, warmth and cheer. All pleasant feelings associated with the festive time of year. This file is safe for use by anyone, there are no hidden commands or triggers. This files sole purpose is to encourage and reinforce positive and uplifting holiday feelings.
I want you to begin by freeing yourself of any external distractions such as monitors, mobile devices or any sources of distracting noise. Close your curtains or dim the lighting of your room and assume a relaxing position of your choice, either sitting or lying down. I want you to take a deep breath as you relax slowly into position, place your hands at your sides and make sure your legs are uncrossed. Allow the tension to leave your muscles, slowly. Relax and sink. Relax into a calm, comfortable, position. Excellent. Breathe deeply once more, hold that breathe for just a moment and exhale. Close your eyes and listen as you begin to sink down.
Drift, flowing down. Like snow falling from the clouds. Down. Deeper. Flowing towards the earth. I want you to imagine the scent of crisp, cool, winter air all around you. Breathe deeply. Feel that serene calm air filling your lungs. So gentle as you fall slowly, peacefully. Down and down.
Feel your sense of comfort increase, feel the tension in your arms and legs just falling away, your limbs feeling so relaxed, so heavy. You feel your worries flowing away, all sense of urgency drifting away on the winter’s breeze and that’s perfectly fine. You are safe here, in this place of calm serenity. Breathe deeply once more, feel your relaxation increasing with each breath, feel your body attaining utter relaxation as your mind is filled with an ever deepening sense of peace.
Relax and drift with the slowly falling snow, feel your mind growing calm, you are surrounded by peace and by love, purity and sincere appreciation. These feelings are comforting and they surround you like a warm embrace. Breathe deeply, let your mind fall asleep. Relax and exhale all of your worries. Allow yourself this peace, your routine thoughts and daily worries have fallen away as you continue to sink down into total relaxation.
Your mind is open to my words, and you feel comfort, knowing that the words I speak will guide you. The words I speak will lead you to complete peace. Yes. These words bring you joy and happiness.
In this calm state, everything around you seems so very still, the sights and sounds of day to day life have grown quiet. You are relaxed. So deeply relaxed. Allowing my words into your mind, allowing them to guide you towards a deep sense of appreciation and joy. A deep sense of comfort and holiday cheer.
The holiday season is full of magic and whimsy, during this time of year there are so many wonderful moments to experience, so much positive energy to feel and take joy in. Here, deep in this trance, you realize just how much positive energy is all around you. You are loved and appreciated. In turn, you give forth love and appreciation to those around you.
Breathe deeply. Breathe in joy and happiness. Feel the serenity growing within you. No worries, no fears. You feel a deep sense of belonging. You are connected to those around you. In harmony, in celebration, an embrace of all the holiday season has to offer.
Now I want you to think of your most treasured holiday memory, perhaps it was the comfort of seeing your dearest friends or family, perhaps it was the joy of opening a gift long desired. Whatever memory brings a smile to your face, I want you to picture it now in perfect clarity. You can feel that way again. You can feel it all the time, should you so choose. I want you to take that feeling of utter happiness and let it spread throughout your mind and body. Take that feeling of holiday joy and experience it anew and it grows more and more powerful within you.
You feel this happiness throughout your very being now. You embody holiday cheer and the positive energy of this most wonderful time of year. Smile and then breathe deeply. This peace you feel, this all encompassing joy, it feels so good that you want to share it with others. You will find, as your sense of holiday cheer grows, it feels even better to share it with those around you. To bring them comfort and joy, so that they too may bring pleasant holiday greetings to others.
Be a good person and other will be good to you.
Spread peace and you will always know happiness.
Comfort. Deep inside you. Joy. To those around you.
That is the holiday spirit, embodied now inside you. Spread your cheer.
Spread positivity and love.
Go in peace.
Now, awaken.
Happy Holidays.



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