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Do you dream of domestic service? Listen as your Mistress details your duties as her newest household maid. You simply cannot refuse.
Original Script: (some improvised differences in the finished version)
Look at you, so delightful in your frilly little maid uniform. Are you ready to serve as required? Are you ready to perform the duties of your station? Standing there in that little apron and delicate cap, you look like you’re exactly where you belong. Isn’t that so? You are, after all, the help.
There is so much here that requires your attention, you will be a good little domestic for me. You love being a maid. You love to keep thing neat and tidy. You love to serve, and you will. In this household you will clean every inch, polish every knob, service every little nook until everything is sparkling and everyone has a smile on their face.
Oh yes, my little maid. You have so many duties to attend to. So much service is required. You simply cannot refuse. It might be hard on your knees, but give it your best, you’ll get used to it. You exist to serve. You exist to do exactly as you’re told and there is no escape. Not that you would ever dream of such a thing. Service is pleasure. Service is truth. You belong to me. In body, in mind and in spirit.
You’re blushing aren’t you? Because you know it’s true. Such a demure little maid, shy and submissive. So perfect for your role in life. You’re such a delightful servent, exactly the sort of loyal and dutiful maid I require.Go on, admit it. Say it outloud. “I exist to serve you, Mistress”
Mmmm It feels good, doesn’t it, my dear maid. It feels so good to be put in your place, reminded of your purpose. Just imagine how good it will feel, on your hands and knees, scrubbing the entryway floors as your cute little bottom peeks out from underneath your frilly uniform. Imagine your adorable backside wiggling, back and forth as you put in all that effort, scrubbing and scrubbing away.
You’ll be so engrossed in your servitude that you might not even hear your Mistress approach from behind, you might not see the smirk of amusement cross her lips as she admires your wiggling backside.
Oh but you’ll feel it, you’ll feel the approval of your Mistress. How do you imagine it will happen, my little maid? Will it be a firm and unexpected slap on your behind, a stinging reminder that your Mistress is always aware of what you’re up to and always ready to remind you of your place… or will it be something else?
Will you be there, on hands and knees, focused so hard on your duties as a maid that it will take you a moment to realize your Mistress has her hand on your bottom, gently squeezing and kneading the soft flesh of your bottom through your adorable maid’s panties? Just imagine the warmth and approval you’ll feel at the touch of your mistress.
A playful slap or an appreciative squeeze… it doesn’t matter to you, does it? So long as you as you are allowed to  serve, so love as you obey, so long as you feel my approval? You’ll say yes to anything I ask of you… and that feels so good. A fundamental truth deep inside your core. You exist to serve. It is who you are. It is what you are. Go on, tell your mistress how you wish to serve, tell me that you will always obey. Faithful, Loyal, Obedient. Forever.
Are you read to sign your maid contract?



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