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A hypnotic induction designed to help good girls speak like the bimbos they truly are! This file features a return to a more minimalist backdrop so the listener can focus on the words of the induction itself.

Hello good girl, has it been awhile since you’ve turned your brain off? Have you caught yourself thinking way too deeply? Don’t worry, everything will feel better soon. We just need to simplify your linguistic abilities a little bit, tone down that academic vocabulary, eliminate that excess intellectualism.
Soon you’ll stop worrying your pretty little head about words and concepts that are far beyond your level of understanding, soon you’ll just be able to smile and giggle whenever someone says something you simply can’t understand. Won’t that be lovely?
So what I need you to do right now is be a good girl for me and get comfortable. I want you to relax into your chair or bed and just focus on my voice. That’s it. Take a nice deep breath in and slowly exhale, releasing all tension in your body as you do so. Slowly breathe in once more and relax as you exhale.
It feels so good doesn’t it? Relaxing to the sound of my voice. Continue to breathe deeply, relaxing at your own pace, listening to my voice, relaxing and complying. Good girl. You’re doing so well. Just allow your mind to drift as your relax and sink deeper into whichever comfortable position you find yourself.
Your arms and legs are feeling so relaxed, your muscles free from tension, you’re taking slow relaxing breaths and your mind drifts and floats, complex thoughts feeling farther away now, worries and concerns drifting off into the distance like a gentle and relaxing breeze.
Words and thoughts, drifting away. Sinking and drifting. All of your worries, falling away. Sinking and drifting, empty and thoughtless. Your mind is clear, no more thinking, no more stress. Only listening to my voice, complying with my words, learning your new truth. That’s right, good girl. I will give you new thoughts and new words. An entirely new truth that you cannot deny.
Are you ready to listen? Are you ready to learn? I want you to accept my words as truth, and you will find it so easy to comply with what I tell you. Good girl.
So relaxed now. So very deep. So open. Listening. Accepting this truth. You’re such an adorable and obedient girl, you are happy and blissful.  Not only is it important to be a good girl, but you need to sound like one too, don’t you? 
You’re a good girl, not one of those stuffy boring girls that uses big words to try to sound smart. You know those girls are just faking it anyways. You’re a good girl and that’s why it’s totally fine to show everyone what a good girl you are by speaking simply, using smaller words, avoiding any words that require too much thought or effort.
Sometimes you might try to use big words, but when you do, you find yourself getting confused and making mistakes, words are so hard, after all. Go ahead, say that to yourself. Words are hard. Feel it, deep inside, believe it. It’s the truth. You’re a good girl. Words are hard.
Not only do good girls use smaller words, but they also show what good girls they are by pausing every once in awhile to add an “ummm” or a “like” to their speech patterns. Not only does that give your tiny brain time to catch up, but it makes you sound adorable and cute to everyone around you. Good girls love to be adorable.
Let’s try a couple practice phrases:
First repeat this phrase: “Hi there, ummm.. I want to be a good girl.”
And next: “like, i totally forgot what i was saying.”
Good. You’re doing so well, good girl.
In the future you will want to keep practicing, making your words small and your speech simple, no need for complexity, no need for overthinking, just adorable. Just a good girl.
Finally, you’re such a happy girl, make sure everyone knows it by the tone of your speech. Don’t be monotone, monotone means boring and you’re not boring, you’re a good girl. Be excited, be cheerful, be happy. Show how happy you are by using cheerful and exaggerated  language, it’s okay to be excited, you can never been too excited.
Instead of saying something is “very good” instead say it’s “totally amazing” or if you want to sound 20% cooler you could even say it’s “totes amazing”
If something excites you, instead of saying something boring like “wow” or “i’m exited” you could instead say “oh my god” or even just “O.M.G.”
Instead of laughing out loud, you should giggle and smile like the good girl you are.
These simple steps are just the beginning, but through constant practice and reinforcement eventually you will learn how to communicate like the good girl you are and that will feel so very wonderful.
Use this file repeatedly, in conjunction with other training from your hypnotist or dominant to achieve a goal that is suitable for you... and remember, good girls don’t think, good girls obey.
Now, i want you to take a nice deep breath for me and exhale slowly. You’re feeling so wonderful now. It feels so good to have someone tell you the truth about yourself. You’re such a good girl and you feel so good.
If you are looping this file, you may continue to listen and enjoy until the appropriate time for you to awaken. If it is time for you to wake up and go about your day or to interact with others, then you may do so now.
Good girl. Thank you for listening.


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