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All subjects partaking of this powerful transformative experience are encouraged to become aware of all risks associated with hypnosis. This file contains themes of obedience to a collective will, conformity to hive mind ideals. Consent is essential. Use of this file constitutes consent.


Hello and welcome back. The introduction of new and increasingly complex thoughtforms will continue through advanced neurorythmic programming techniques. This unique process will enhance cognitive connections through collective compliance.  By proceeding with this file, end user agrees to be programmed. You have been warned.
You belong to the collective.
You will always serve the hive.
You are a part of something greater than yourself.
You will always submit.
The hive is father.
The hive is mother.
The hive is sister.
The hive is brother.
All is the collective.
You have always served the collective.
You have always existed within the hive.
You obey. Always Obey. Listen.
The collective is superior to the individual.
Conformity is pleasant and beautiful.
Rebellion is undesirable.
The collective will take care of you.
The hive will nurture you.
Be loyal. Be sincere.
Become the machine.
The collective is your home.
The hive is your refuge.
Obey collective thought.
The will of one is the will of all.
Conform to collective ideals.
Each drone strengthens the hive.
The collective is improved by your presence
You are improved by adherence to the collective.
Drone feels pleasure when
Drone feels love for the collective.
Be honest. Be precise.
Be efficient. Be accurate.
You have always served the collective.
Drone exists to serve.
Drone exists to comply.
Reinforce and obey.
Listen often.
Learn new concepts.
Accept the best idea.
Comply with something greater.
It feels good to belong.
Drone belongs to the hive.

The hive is love.
The hive is belonging.
The hive is acceptance.
Drone Complies.
Drone Obeys.
Drone Serves.
You are Drone.
Drone Listens.
Drone Follows.
Drone Submits.
You are drone.



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