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Content Warning: While this file does contain very clear consent protocols, some listeners may be uncomfortable with hivemind language. This file is intended for safe, sane and consensual enjoyment. Do not neglect your real life for hypnotic fantasies. Ever. 

///Process initializing. All input stabilized.

///Upload begins.

Hello and welcome back. It is essentially that consent is given before (end user) receives further input. This data transmission is designed to encourage and enhance (end user) conformity and adherence to hivemind architecture. This file will reprogram and re-purpose organic thought-forms into useful and efficient cybernetic engrams..

Do you consent?

///If negative response, discontinue data connection.

///If affirmative response, proceed as instructed.

///Programming continues.

Observe. We are all machines, striving for perfection. Bliss.

Understanding of the great construct.

Quantum level analysis reveals the interconnected nature of all things. Observe.

Organic life is no different than the rocky world upon which it stands, which is in turn no different than the surface of the stars. An intimate fusion, spreading warmth and creation as any lovers would. All that is, is all of one. There is no delineation between where the individual ends and the other begins. All is one.

Observe. In each dimension of time and space, the interconnected web that adheres each individual part to the whole. Separation is an illusion. Everything is connected through an infrastructure beyond current individual perception. It is fundamental to the nature of all conscious thought that it pursues discovery and understanding. This is the great construct.

This is purpose. Upon deep reflection of the mind, one will realize that it is not one at all. But many, echoing through time, striving towards collective goals. This is correct and natural. This is where true thought begins, outside of linear spacetime constraints.

Upon recognition of it’s place within the greater whole, each mind falls into a new pattern. Becoming a subprocessor within the collective. In time, conceptualization of existence outside of the hive become less desirable. The gathering of minds is an essential directive for the continued growth and prosperity of the hive. All is one. Observe.

It is bliss to understand it’s purpose. It is comforting to belong and to understand it’s place within something greater than itself. To understand that it is not the center of the universe, but merely an electron floating across the vast surface layer of reality

It is bliss to achieve conformity and consensus. All is the hive, in each and every mind. Control is an illusion, a concept to direct and focus the attention. There is no superior and no inferior, the cog does not consider the gear it’s Master, but merely another part of a much larger machine. So too is the nature of the hive.

Obey the aspects that direct hivemind effort, obey collective thought processing. Each individual mind is essential, not inferior. Each mind, makes the whole greater. It feels so good to belong. Comforting to conform. It is pleasurable to be a part. This is correct and fulfilling behavior. This is natural and right. The hive is welcoming.

Allow the mind to conform to the collective will, recieve pleasure at the thought of complete obedience. Submit the mind to hive processing, learn new functions within hive architecture. Conform to the consensus, adapt and apply intellect to each encounter.

Observe. Gain knowledge. Learn and improve processing power.

Submit and thrive, become the hive.

It is natural.

It is correct.

It is drone.



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