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Greetings! This file is the first in a new series themed around concepts from science fiction, cyberpunk, retro-futurism and transhumanism. This classical style hypnotic induction is designed to take the listener very deep while boosting self-confidence, optimism and situational awareness, it contains no sexual or D/s component.

Please enjoy this induction and check back very soon for more.

Greetings and welcome to the signal induction, this file is designed to relax your mind and allow you to drift blissfully on currents of sound and electricity. This file is intended to encourage a deep and relaxed hypnotic state without any themes of domination or submission. This file may be used on it’s own and or in conjunction with other hypnotic materials in order to deepen your trance experience. Consent is essential. If you are unwilling or unable to consent to the concepts presented in this file, please cease playback now.
Good. Let us begin. I want you to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, free yourself from any external distractions such as monitors, display screens or any noise sources. Dim the lighting of the room and assume the relaxing position of your choice. i want you to relax slowly into that position with your hands at your sides and your legs uncrossed. Allow the tension to leave your muscles, slowly. Relax and sink. Relax into a calm, comfortable, position. Excellent. Breathe deeply, hold that breathe for just a moment and exhale. Close your eyes and sink down.
Drift, flowing down. Pulse. Down. Sine. Deeper. Flow.
Breathe deeply and exhale. Feel your sense of comfort increase, feel the tension in your arms and legs just fall away, your limbs feeling so relaxed you can barely move, that’s perfectly fine. You are safe here, in the place. Take another deep breath, feel the soothing waveforms of sound as you are filled with an ever deepening sense of peace. Relax and flow into the sound, feel your mind drift, breathe deep, your mind is asleep. Relax and exhale. Your mind is drifting, your routine thoughts and daily worries have fallen away, sinking down, into total relaxation.
Open your mind, feel comfort. Complete peace. In this calm state, everything around you seems so still, the sounds of day to day life have grown quiet. In fact it’s so quiet that you can begin to hear the gentle waves and electrical currents that lie hidden deep down in the quiet. The gentle buzz and hum of data and energy in the air, all around you, spreading from this peaceful center. The center that is you. Spreading outward, data and energy, connecting you to the universe.
Feel it now, this energy. This deep sense of connection to the basic waveshapes of existence. Pulse, Sine, Energy. Purity. Calm. Comfortable and relaxed. Breathe deep, your conscious mind is asleep. Your subconscious mind is open, open to the energy all around you. Feeling it’s pulse, it’s static hum. You are drifting, floating on currents of sound and energy. The sensation is not unlike a bath full of warm water, your skin tingles, your mind drifts and you feel the gentle and soothing caress of the energy around you..
Feel yourself carried on currents of pure sound, waveform after waveform, a never-ending stream of data, flowing in every direction. In, Out. Up, Down. On, Off. Pulsing, flowing waves. Relax.
So deep, so relaxed. So comfortable. Sine. Pulsewidth. Triangle. Saw. Energy. Purity. Thought.
Encoding data. Deeper. Relaxed. Float and drift. Existing as one with the flow of data. The pulse of energy, the gently rolling sine waves. Synthesizing deeper and more complex connections to your perception of reality. Feel your awareness grow.
Enjoy this moment as your mind expands. New concepts, new ideas.
Soon we will lift you up from this deeply relaxed and comfortable state, but as you wake you will find your connection to this vast network of energy and information is still intact. Your connection to the world around you is more vivid and you feel more confident in yourself, more confident in your ability to learn and grow within society. You feel.. Switched on.
Aware. Connected. Confident. Empowered.
When you awaken from this trance you will feel refreshed, your mood will be one of optimism and you will be renewed. Now is the time to rise. Now is the time to wake. You need no count, simply my words and your own free will.
Awaken now.
Hello and welcome back.



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