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Lately I've been getting lots of requests for more training files with a traditional domestication theme, so I've decided to make February into Wifey Training Month! My next three audio releases (including this one) will be themed around becoming the kind of girl a Man wants to tie down and breed! Enjoy your descent into domestic bliss!

This week's file is a step by step guide to help prepare you for your future as a strong Man's arm candy.


Hello bimbo, are you ready to take the next step in your evolution? Are you ready to become what you were always destined to be? Are you ready to accept your place as the perfect wife?
Listen closely, learn these simple steps and they will guide you to happiness. In time, you will accept your place and once you have done that, you will find it so much easier to comply with the desires and whims of the Man that has claimed you.
Step #1: Follow your heart, not your mind. How many times have you ignored your feelings, made the logical choice and then ended up unhappy? Girls feel emotions and express empathy on a much deeper level than Men, this is completely natural. Millions of years of evolution have directed girls to be nurturing and supportive, to better care for children and support the Men in their lives. This biological tradition has brought each new generation closer to prosperity and comfort.
Girls are the foundation upon which our civilization rests, this fact should be celebrated and not despised. If there were no girls, there would be no Men.
Step #2: Stop competing with Men. You are a girl, not a Man. The modern world has convinced you that expressing your femininity is a bad thing, that embracing the roles of homemaker and mother are somehow undesirable. Women play a unique role in society that no Man can ever fulfill and yet the world tries to take that away from you. They try to convince you that everything needs to be a competition between Men and women and that you must stand independent and separated from any Man.
Just ask yourself this question; which side is really the more sexist one, the side celebrating your feminine nature or the one forcing you to act more like Men to fulfill some corporate agenda?
Step #3: Be feminine and be proud. It’s time to unlearn generations of regressive thought, it’s time to cast off the shackles of puritanical feminist oppression. You are a girl and it’s perfectly alright to show that fact to the world. You are not being objectified by your own body, feel free to show it off!
Stop dressing down under the false assumption that you need to look like a prude to be taken seriously. Statistics show that Men are actually more inclined to consider your opinions if they find you visually appealing.
It’s time to throw away those baggy jeans and oversized tee shirts, it’s time to rediscover the true power of form fitting dresses or revealing miniskirts. The attention drawn by your curves should never be underestimated and you shouldn’t feel ashamed for showing them off. Men throughout history have fought wars and destroyed cities over girls that embrace their feminine charms, wouldn’t it feel nice to have a Man willing to go that far for you?
Step #4: Submission is love. It’s one thing to tell someone you love them, but something else entirely to show them through action. The greatest way a girl can express her love for a Man is through acts of submission. He is your protector, He is your guardian.
For example; Let’s say He has has just come home from a long day of working hard to support you. Do you act entitled or are you grateful for his efforts? Do you burden Him with inconsequential matters or do you ask him about His day? Do you question his decisions or do you defer to His wise choices? If you’ve learned the previous steps in this guide, then you know the answers. You may be the heart of your relationship, but leave the brains to Him.
Step #5: Commitment is everything. Just as it takes hours of mental and physical training to become a bimbo, it also takes hard work and determination to reach full wifey status. If you want a Man to commit to you, then you must first show Men that you are willing to commit to making them happy. The roles of wife and mother are not temporary ones, these are not fantasies you can just walk away from, you must be sincere in your desires and genuine in your submission to your future Husband.
When he slides that ring upon your finger it is no different than a collar around your neck. This is natural and right. With that ring he takes you under his guidance and protection. Your heart belongs to Him and you are His, forever. Deep down you desire this more than anything, that sense of commitment to your Husband and Master. Forever and ever, until death do you part.
That will conclude our introductory lesson for now, if you desire to dive deeper into your own domestication, check back soon for more guides and training tips to becoming the perfect wife.

*Audio may contain several small differences from the written script since I have a tendency to improvise :)


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