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This weekend I have a special treat for you guys, this is an audio roleplay I did inspired by a caption I saw on tumblr.

Synopsis: Jessica is a bit of a bitch and she's proud of that, she's more interested in advancing her career than maintaining her marriage. That is, until her husband acquires a special remote that can rewind and realign reality.

You got my email about being home late, right? I know Fridays are usually our date night but I’ve had a lot of work to do lately, being a senior executive at the firm isn’t exactly easy, nobody else has climbed this far up the company ladder only six years. 
Don’t “Oh Jessica” me! You wouldn’t believe the workload they’ve got me under, but that’s the price of ambition. Don’t give me that look either; you knew I was a workaholic when you married me. Honestly, it’s almost our fifth anniversary; I’d think you’d be used to it by now.
I really need to unwind. Some of us don’t get to leave work promptly at 5pm after all. How about you be a dear and give me a foot massage? Maybe afterwards we can go out for dinner somewhere nice, maybe have a few glasses of wine. If you’re a good boy, maybe we can even fool around a little when we get back home.
Oh, what’s that? A reality remote… is that some fancy new television thing or something?
Why is it glowing pink like that…
(Click, rewinding sounds)
Hey honey, sorry I’m home so late, ever since they promoted me to executive assistant at the company I’ve had so much responsibility, I know it isn’t the dream job I envisioned when I graduated college last year but it’s the best I can find in this economy, you know?
It’s been so hard to concentrate lately, with so much pressure at work I’m almost grateful I’m not saddled with a more senior position. I doubt I’d even have any free time to spend with you... and you’ve been such a supportive hubby lately.
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a whole year since we got married. I’ll tell you what, mix me a martini while I go get changed out of my office wear, then we’ll go grab a bite to eat, maybe have a few cocktails at the bar, and then we can come back home for a night of Netflix and chill. 
What’s that? What a funny looking remote…
(Click, rewinding sounds)
Hi sweetie, I am so so sorry for running late, one of my professors talked me into helping out on a special project, and then I had to stop by the gym since I missed my morning workout thanks to our… uhhh.. playtime when we woke up.
But seriously, I couldn’t help it, how else was I supposed to thank you for this gorgeous engagement ring. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Jess Smith after I graduate college, only two more years to go!
How was your day at work anyways? I still can’t even imagine being stuck in a job like that for 8 hours a day. To be totally honest, I’m having trouble managing 8 classes a week. It’s like my brain just doesn’t wanna work sometimes, ya know?
It’s Friday night and we haven’t gone clubbing in forever, how about I go change into something cute we’ll go out for awhile. We’ll do some shots and dance a bit, well I’ll dance anyways.  Then later we can come back here and I can show you a little more appreciation for being such an amazing fiancé.
Oh, did we get a new remote or something?
(Click, rewinding sounds)
OMG Daddy, you’re finally here! This is gonna be like the best weekend ever! Yeps, my parents are gone til monday, so it’s totally just us. Do you like my school uniform? I might have made a few small changes to make it even sluttier for you. I totally love the way my ass peeks out whenever it swishes around too.
Heheheh I don’t usually wear my hair in pigtails but you totally said it would look cute in your tumblr message, so I had to try it! What do you mean I look like a jailbait bimbo? I’m totally 18! I can’t help it my high school decided to hold me back a couple years. Like… they just make stuff too hard.
So like.. I was thinking we could go shopping at the mall and you could buy me stuff, then we could come back here and get stoned and like.... for real… I want you to fuck me hard all night!
You’d.. like.. totally do that for me, wouldn’t you Daddy? I want you to cum in all my holes, no condoms; I want to be your naughty little princess forever.

The above transcript is the script I used to record, I have a tendency to improv a bit, so the actual recorded content might vary slightly.


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