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A powerful and addictive new induction designed for girls looking to embrace their spoiled bratty side. This file will guide you into a nice relaxed state where where you will learn new truth about who you really are, a spoiled princess.

Repeated use of this file will encourage confidence to the point of vanity and self-obsession. Use at your own risk. 

Hello, this file is designed to encourage and reveal your true self. The person you always knew you were inside. The person you deserve to be.
This journey will be all about you. This file will help you show the world what a sexy spoiled brat you are. Together we will boost your confidence and lower your inhibitions so that you can be a perfect pouty princess and make all the boys adore you.
So if you’re prepared to listen, then begin by finding a comfortable position sitting or lying down. Place your arms at your sides, and make sure your legs are uncrossed. Take a deep breath in,  holding for several seconds and then breathe out, allowing your body to relax.
As your sink further and further into that relaxing position. Breathe in once more, calmly, deeply… and then out. Very good. Focus on your breathing as you listen to my words.
In… and out. 
Slipping deeper and deeper… with each wonderful breath. You are doing so well. You are so amazing. In and out. 
Find yourself slipping, slowly, into a deep, deep sense of calm. A beautiful centered state of repose, a state in which you feel no fear no worry, a place where your thoughts can drift away so easily. A place where my words can drift into your mind. A place where you listen and learn. A place where you can be shaped and molded into the person you really are. Are you ready to begin? 
Good. Very good.
I will now begin to count from 10 to 1. With each number I want you to take a long, slow breath in, and a long deep breath out. Exhaling all thought. All worry. All resistance.
Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... So relaxed. 
You’re doing so good, so very good. You’re doing wonderfully. You’re so good at this! You’re such an amazing person. You probably wish other people would realize just how amazing you are. Soon they will know exactly what kind of girl you are. This is your time, this is your moment.
For the first time you are truly the center of attention. And it feels so good. The attention is like a drug. Such a wonderful high. And it’s so very very addictive. You don’t just want attention you need it, don’t you?
You need the world to see how amazing you are. Don’t worry Princess, soon everyone is going to see how wonderful you can be! But first we must push deeper. Further and further into your subconscious mind. Further and further into the center!
And with each number and each breath you will fall even deeper into trance into that part of your mind where ego and sense of self exist.
Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One...
Breathing in and out. Very good. You have done so well. Of course you do well with everything, don’t you? Sometimes people don't appreciate how great you are, so you have to make them. You have to show them. You have to shove it in their faces, let them see what a real spoiled princess looks like!. You feel so relaxed, so content right now.
In this deep part of your mind my words flow into your subconscious reshaping your personality like nothing you've ever felt before. In this place, I can rewrite everything about you. Now feel as your mind and body fall completely under my sway. No worries, no resistance. And complete trust.
Now, I will begin to tell you new truth about yourself. 
You are the center of your existence. No one is as important as you. You deserve to be praised, you deserve attention. You deserve to be given gifts and adoration. You are the light of this world. If people can’t appreciate how amazing you are they must not be smart enough to notice. You are beautiful. You don’t ever settle for second best. You are amazing, and you will always be amazing.
You consider the word bitch a word of praise! You love being a spoiled bitch! You’re not afraid to work your way up the social ladder. It doesn't matter what you have to do, you will always be the queen bee in your life. In your school, and in your career. In any social circumstance you find yourself you are the glue that holds it all together. Without you, everything would fall apart.
The most valuable thing in your life, is you, and you love it when your value is increased through gifts and attention of others. You should probably start a wishlist if you haven't already done so! It would be so generous of you to show guys what they can buy for you! You just love it when they spoil you and you know deep down they love it too!
So let go of your fears, and worries. Stop settling for guys that do nothing for you, it’s okay to be a bitch to people who can’t afford you. The only people you need to pay attention to are the ones who spoil you- that’s what being a Princess is all about!
Now very slowly I will begin to guide you towards wakefulness. I will show you the path as you drift upwards- rising from this deep and powerful trance, rising from this deep addictive trance, allowing your sense of the outside world to slowly return with each number.
As you breathe in and out, and as you wake, you will continue to feel relaxed. Your daily stress is gone, your mind is clear of worry, you feel wonderful. A new sense of certainty. A confidence unlike any other.
You are a spoiled princess, and if you need a reminder, it’s alright to listen again and again. 
Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Awake and aware. 
Welcome back, Princess.


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