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Hey everyone! This is something I wrote for my tumblr recently and thought i'd share it here. I also decided to do a dramatic audio reading of it, just for you!

Just as a reminder, this is an erotic fantasy piece!


How to Fix a Feminist!
Lesson 1: Change Her Reading Habits!
It’s common knowledge that feminists enjoy reading, in fact most feminists can’t go a day without blathering on about the works of Freidan, Woolf or Greer. A modern feminist without a book or a protest sign in her hands is a rare sight indeed!
In truth, most feminists have no interest at all in the prescribed reading list of their gender studies courses, they simply desire to display their intellectual superiority to all those around them. It’s their own misguided attempt at seeking positive attention from others.
If you tell a feminist to abandon her reading materials, you are likely to be met with fierce resistance or even outright rejection. Instead, a thoughtful and persuasive Man should take advantage of the feminist’s habits by simply replacing the materials she reads over time.
If your feminist is living with you, perhaps her books could slowly be replaced with something much more palatable. Buy her subscriptions to several fashion magazines, then convince her that if she doesn’t read them she is neglecting your heartfelt gift to her. Over time there will simply be no more room for textbooks when she has an entire stack of Cosmopolitan to read!
Another idea is to challenge her intellect. Make little bets and wagers with her. Dare her to read an entire cookbook and then offer to reward her for every recipe she can cook without needing to “cheat” by checking the page.
We all know feminists love nothing more than to prove just how smart they are, so before too long she will have the entire cookbook memorized and you will be well on your way to turning her into proper housewife material!
After all, a happy home begins in the kitchen!

