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By Chaos Doll

Britney’s day started much like any other; the privileged blonde cheerleader woke up well before sunrise, did a few yoga poses, ate a modest breakfast and slid into her skin tight spandex in preparation for her morning run around campus.  Despite her conservative ‘girl next door’ attitude, many of her friends regarded as one of the hottest girls on campus and her self-confidence was evident in every movement of her body.

Unfortunately, that confidence sometimes made her seem egotistical to people outside her social circle; something that had a habit of getting her in trouble and today would be no exception. She pranced down the dormitory hallway towards the exit, her modest chest jiggling slightly with each step as she listened to her favorite Christian Rock and Country songs on her iPhone.

She was about to turn a corner just as her favorite part of a song came on, with the sudden musical distraction she failed to notice as someone else was walking around from the opposite direction. The two girls slammed into each other forcefully.

Britney’s solid athletic frame was largely unfazed but the girl she had bumped into had ended up falling back on the floor, landing on her ass.

“Fucks sake, watch where you’re going!”  The girl glared up at her. The black pigtails framing her pale face made her look like a petulant child, but the girl’s figure was anything but childish. Her impossibly tiny waist was laced into a corset, giving her the appearance of massive cleavage. On top of looking like a total slut, she also stunk of booze and marijuana.

Britney rolled her eyes at the girl on the floor, she remembered the girl’s name was Emily, her room was just down the hall but they had barely spoken to each other. Britney had heard the spooky looking girl was into witchcraft and demonology or something and had instantly decided she wanted nothing to do with her.

“Maybe if you spent less time partying and sleeping around for drugs you could have gotten out of my way!” Britney shot back.

The two girls exchanged an intense stare for several seconds before Britney looked away, excusing herself before the encounter escalated. She reminded herself to focus on more important things; she didn’t need to worry about the feelings of some wannabe vampire girl. Britney continued her march towards the dorm exit, hearing the goth girl mumble something under her breath as she walked away.

Fifteen minutes later, Britney jogged across the campus with her head held high, the incident forgotten. She failed to notice as her naturally blonde hair began to darken to an unnatural black dye job as it also worked itself free of her ponytail to frame her face.

The material of her bright blue and white athletic tights slowly began to darken and thin as they fused with her ankle socks, taking on the appearance of sheer black stockings, revealing a complete lack of panties. Britney shivered, but kept jogging, completely unaware of the change.

Her brightly colored sports bra underwent a similar metamorphosis, the garment lengthening down her upper body, but remaining skin tight as it worked its way over her hips while the collar rose to encircle her neck. The fabric took on a plastic sheen as its change came to a stop in the form of a figure hugging rubber minidress.

Britney licked her lips, tasting something waxy, completely oblivious to the now heavy makeup she wore. Her face suddenly adorned with thick winged eyeliner and a heavy purple lipstick, her skin looking paler over all, as if years of tanning had simply evaporated away.

Her jog finally came to a stop when she nearly tripped; she tried to look down at her feet, finding she had to lean farther forward to see over her swollen breasts, as if they had suddenly grown a couple cup sizes inside the tight rubber dress. She raised an eyebrow in confusion as she watched her athletic shoes slowly morph and grow up her calves, darkening as they formed themselves into knee high buckled black rubber boots.

She squirmed slightly, causing the rubbery dress to squeak as she tried desperately to understand what was going on, she spun on the now high heeled boots and started back towards the dorms, her athletic gait now replaced with small mincing steps as her hips swayed dramatically in the clingy black dress.

Her mind raced, unable to grasp how she had ended up in this bizarre outfit, a moment later her thoughts were interrupted when the phone in her hand rang. She did a double take, had she been carrying a phone before? Suddenly she couldn’t remember. She answered the call, bringing the phone to her ear.

“Umm… uhh… Hello?” Britney said self-consciously.

“Bitch, where are you? This weed isn’t gonna smoke itself!” Emily’s voice chimed through the phone.

“Oh, hey… umm… I was running and…” Britney began to answer as her memories began to grow cloudy.

“Running late for our date! Just because you let every guy at the club buy you a drink earlier doesn’t mean you get to neglect our smoke and cuddle sessions, now get your squeaky rubber butt over here, I want to fonder my favorite big titted goth slut!” Emily demanded.

“Oh… umm.. yes Mistress” Britney responded, her steps becoming a little wobbly as she little moan.

“That’s a good girl, Britney” Emily purred.

Britney pouted, suddenly feeling a lot tipsier, maybe she really had drank way too much earlier.

“Mistress, I told you to call me Bella!” the former Christian girl whined into the phone as the last of her memories were rewritten.

Gone was the trendy, athletic blonde with a bright future. In her place sauntered a short, pale and hypersexual gothic girl on her way home to her part-time Mistress after a night out at the local goth club. The only athletics Bella had any interest in now were the kind she could perform on her back or maybe on her hands and knees. She squirmed at the thought, feeling her bare pussy moisten.

After all, anything blondes can do, goth sluts can do better.


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