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Something a little different from my usual erotic files, this is a casual guided meditation.  A powerful, positive and meditative trance for anyone that needs a little stress relief. 

This has no hidden triggers or commands, no dominant or submissive messages. This will also work really well for those subjects that prefer a bit of aftercare when erotic sessions are concluded.

This is most effective when listened to with headphones.

I’m here to relax you.
This journey will be all about you. In this file I will give you no commands, there will be no triggers. Nor are there are no hidden messages. This is about you.
This file was made to help you relax.
If you are prepared to listen, then this file will help you reach a calm, centered, state of repose. A state in which there is no fear, no worry. If you can use your imagination, I will be your guide on a journey into the mind. I will be your guide into a quiet state of renewal, a state in which you will know only peace.
Are you ready to begin? Good, very good.
First I want you to get comfortable, seated or laying down. Allow yourself to unwind. Allow the tension in your body to slowly fade away. Perhaps you’ve had a long day or maybe just too much stress. Allow your shoulders to relax, as you take a deep breath. Exhaling slowly, deliberately, feel a calm wash over your body. Breathe deeply again and as you exhale, allow yourself to be free from the troubles of your day.
This is your time. Allow yourself to have this moment.
Feel, as your body relaxes. The tension in your muscles is slipping away. This journey is about you, this journey is about your needs. Allow your thoughts to drift as you slowly close your eyes. Relax and allow your mind to drift, drift away from the worry and the cares of the day. Drift to some place more pleasant, some place from your dreams. Perhaps it’s a special memory; perhaps it’s a place only you can go. Allow yourself to be guided there.
Relax and observe the view in your mind. Watch it become clearer as you begin to drift deeper. Allow this stillness to wash over you. Allow yourself to feel peace.
I will now begin to count, from seven to one.
Allow your mind to open as your body relaxes further. Each number will bring you closer to a state of tranquility and when the countdown finishes, you will find yourself in paradise, a paradise of your own creation. Completely relaxed and drifting. You will find yourself in a moment of peace, a moment of peace that you have allowed yourself to experience.
You are the center of this moment. You are the light of this inner world. Be mindful of beauty around you; be true to that which is within you. In this place, you are at peace. In this moment, you are anything you desire to be.
This state of being is yours alone and you can return at any time you wish. You most simply focus and allow yourself to be guided. In this moment, the world of dreams and reality are one. Enjoy this calm, peaceful place. Enjoy this deep, inner reflection.
You are of value to this world. Your purpose is whatsoever you choose.
Now very slowly I will begin to guide you towards wakefulness. I will show you the path as you allow yourself to drift upwards towards the surface. I will count from one to seven. Allow your sense of the outside world to slowly come back with each number.
As you wake you will continue to feel the peace of that inner moment, your daily stress is gone, your mind is clear of worry. You feel only peace and certainty. You have overcome doubt and tension.
Two, breathing deeply
Four, your consciousness rising
Six, you’re feeling more aware than ever before
Seven, breathe deeply and open your eyes
 Welcome Back


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