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by Chaos Doll

Emily signed up for tumblr on a whim, not really knowing what to expect. She had managed to avoid social media all through high school and into college, choosing instead to focus on her academic and professional goals.

Things started off normally enough, being into personal fitness, she began by following a few exercise related blogs. Soon her dashboard was filled with an endless scroll of pictures featuring girls in active-wear, engaged in various athletic disciplines, inspirational quotes and captions included.

It wasn’t until the next day that Emily started noticing that some of the pictures coming up as she scrolled seemed to be offering very unconventional advice. One suggested post read “Use your Body, Not your Brain” over an animated gif of a girl doing exercises. Another image seemed to encourage girls to “Aspire to be Less”.

Emily was confused why tumblr would suggest such images, perhaps even slightly offended at the messages they carried, which seemed antithetical to Emily’s own sense of independence and empowerment. But she had always had trouble saying no to her sense of curiosity and soon found herself clicking on the follow button.

The following day Emily logged in to tumblr to find her dashboard a very different place, her usual fitness blogs were still there, but the inspiration posts were now intermixed with posts from the newly followed blogs, as well as a number of newly suggested images ranging from animated spirals claiming “Bimbo is the best!” to flashing images telling her that “Brains are for Boys”.

Emily shook her head, such ridiculous and misogynistic notions. She decided she’d have to make it her personal mission to show the tumblr community that intellectual women are perfectly capable of being attractive without debasing themselves to men. She’d figure out exactly what to say.. just as soon as she finished scrolling…

She discovered edging that night.

It started off innocently enough, she scrolled and scrolled, not realizing just how long she had been at it, her hand subconsciously wandering between her thighs as she scowled at a blog extolling the virtues of a patriarchal society. She refused to believe that men could hold that kind of power over women, she wouldn’t let herself be broken, she wouldn’t let them fuck with her mind..

She rubbed… and stared at the screen.. and scrolled.. and rubbed..

By the fourth day she had fallen into tumblr kink without even realizing it, she was losing track of time, it was distracting her from her real life responsibilities and she was discovering kinks she never even knew she had.

She was suddenly surrounded by new concepts and subversive ideas, all of which seemed geared towards encouraging her submission. The posts would get stuck in her head, popping into her mind as she tried to go about her day being a productive adult. Even during her revered daily workout times, she found her mind wandering to her new tumblr kinks.

And she found herself looking forward to getting back to her room.

Where she could scroll..  and stare.. blankly..
Edgeher mind away..

Then, on the fifth day.. as Emily stared blankly at her monitor..

Someone said.. “Hello”


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