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At the end of the vote, Rukia won. And I finally made a model of Rukia, it was the most difficult model that I did, because I found the only one her model that was on the net, then I had to work with it a lot, because the model was not +18, and I had to make for her a naked body, which she should have according to the canon. It seems to me that it turned out to be a very canonical magnificent Rukia, it was a very difficult, painstaking and long work, but I am satisfied. And now I have an absolutely unique model of Rukia, which no one has :D

And I worked with her partner for a long time, because I didn’t understand what kind of man I want to give for video about cuckolding, and so I did this, I also really like him, such a beggar resident of the Rukongai district, where the Shinigami destroyed his house and Rukia will have to pay him off.

In the near future I will make a test video for her, and then a teaser for the series about her, I hope to be in time by the end of the month. 

Fans of Mikasa, don't worry, I will definitely start making a video about her soon, because I really want to make her too.

Asuka fans, I know that there are a lot of you, I also didn’t forget about Asuka, next month I will try to do with her also video. 

I also want to please Roll Cascet fans, my friend fixed her model for me, and in November I will try to start making the +18 model, as it also does not have a nude version.




I really like your Rukia model. I'm glad you're getting more into creating models, keep on improving as an artist. I'm really looking forward to your future projects, especially the Roll project. Just try not to spread yourself too thin with the amount of projects you take on at a time.


thanks for the words of support, i like to create models, but i'm not very experienced in it yet, but i already feel like i'm getting better over and over again :) I would like even more projects, but it takes a lot of time and effort for these, and I still want to start One Piece and Naruto, and Street Fighter, I have a projects in my head, but postponed it for later XD