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Cramming in as many characters as I can.

Sadly today lost my gym streak, lost a big chunk of my progress today due to forgetting to save, but I was able to deliver today's page afterall. Overall I'm still pretty happy how I've been able to keep up even if today was a fluke, which there also needs to be room for of course.




I’m tempted to watch the show just so I know who is who.

Cole jones

I would suggest it. The first season is kinda just the random adventures each episode but they are still fun season 2 definitely picks up on developing the plot. So if season 1 doesn't really grab you just power through it. There are a couple plot episodes in season 1.


Getting in shape? Very good of you, wish I did the same but... I have my reasons.


I'd love to, but I've been pretty stagnant for a long time. It's more important I just keep myself active as I started getting real shoulder/neck pain from drawing 24/7