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Phew, today was one hell of a long day, but I made it!




Gosh, mmf. You know, I just started reading this manga called "The Devil Fascinates Me In Heavenly Prison". It's about an island where the entire population are female demons, and they get boys shipped there for school, but the real purpose is to 'feed' off their sexual energy. With each boy gaining basically a womb tat showing how many times they have left they can cum before they're 'shipped off'. Raven with her amazing succ powers would fit in so well as a demon, especially with the way she comes across like she's growing his cock to torment him, making it all th emore sensitive and needy as a punishment.


She'd make one hell of a succubus for sure. Kinda funny she dressed as a devil in the Halloween episode


Love that smirk. It's a real tease when your making a monster out that dick.