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Patreon has moved banking from US to Ireland and last month seems many patrons had their payments declined at the start of the month. They said the issue was fixed two weeks ago but I was informed it happened to a patron of mine just now who didn't have any issues until now. 

Have any of you encountered that issue? If not with me maybe other patrons you support?



so many fucking times.

Art Lover

Lost month Patreon rejected all of my pledges, including the one I have with you. Because of their bank change, I had to call my bank to get them to approve Patreon. Then I had to re-sub each pledge one by one and there was still one that gave me trouble and I had to link to Paypal instead. Even though my pledges aren't supposed to be processed until 9/1, I'm already getting notifications from Patreon saying that something is wrong with my payment method and they recommend I call my bank. I called them last time and I would think everything would be OK but I don't know anymore. I'm dreading the first of the month, honestly. I expect it to be another nightmare.


The problem I have isn’t the payment it’s that I can’t change how much I pay. Usually I pay a little more than my tier but it’s not letting me do that?!


This is quite terrible for every party involved. I hope we can stay in touch, I'm considering to make a Subscribestar for anyone with trouble, but I have no clue how to handle monthly Polls with two platforms without providing a link that could compromise the voting with cheating and also be easy to use.

Martin McNeal

To be certain about sending payment, I went to the 'Edit Pledge' in my mobile settings and hit 'Update' then simply confirmed the amount I sent this month and it looks like it worked