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Brain melting? Nagatoro, where you're going, you don't need brains.

Cole jones

Oh I'm really excited to see what she fully looks like I hope we see the process of her changing I always love seeing the process of a character bimbofieing. Also it looks like you are adding in some cat like features given the cats eye in the last panel I like it and I'm interested to see how far you go with her having cat features maybe cat ears and a tail could be next.


The eyeshadow as well gives me cat vibes as well. It’s like cheetara from thunder cats


Ahh the eternal wait grows longer lol


You like to tease us Annon. Honestly I like how senpai is turning her brain into mush. It seems Nagatoro will become more cat like, I can see her with cat ears made with her hair


Ooooh looks like she's getting some cat traits

Icarus con Queso

President literally calls her cat girl, so let's take a walk on the wildlife. Also, a reminder that cat pupils get fucking massive when they see something they get excited, https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:802/1*uhcQJ270CwyBfYVEmgfkVw.png

Cole jones

So maybe they are sharp like that right now because she is changing and it can feel intense but when she looks like senpainthey will expand.


Love perversing the world. =D

Cole jones

Yeah granted the pen has shown it can't effect inanimate objects but with the pres having the pen she can just change people until they think to change other stuff.