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Pinka Cola huh? I’d go with Nuka Cola Pink or maybe just Nuka Cola Bimbo. I don’t know I’m just spitballing still great.


no yeah I agree, someone mentioned Nuka Cola Bombshell, which is my favorite, but I ended up covering too much of the label

Marquis Green

My question is if they were a bimbo before going into the vault or after coming out? All possibilities are exciting.


I haven't played the game at all, but my thoughts are everyone's a bit affacted, but you'd need to be careful with exposing yourself too much as that would lead to the classic drop in IQ. Though that's just my take at the top of my head


I wish we could see what vault she is from. Unfortunately the vault number is only on the back.

Alexander Pontier

That would make a great comic: People shut in with Nuka-Cola Bombshell cola as the only drink. This is a great pin-up and I can totally see this as a real bombshell picture.


2 of these in a day you’ve spoiled us this month Annon!


Does anyone else want to do some massive world building on the fallout pics annon has provided?


"Pinka Cola" I thought it would change her into a bimbo Pinkie Pie