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She looks absolutely gorgeous


I think this is the first pic of Slutset in a casual outfit since she reached 2.0.


Gosh it's very unlike Sunset to have a top that covers her whole body! Hahaha, oh but I love a sweater that clings like that.


The ribbed sweater really pushes this into peak bimbo territory

Cole jones

Love the stretched out sweeter. And I really love the link instead of red with her hair looks very good for the winter theme.


It's pleasant surprise, I tempted to ask you Twilight in her original winter Outfit but with her 2.0 proportions

Icarus con Queso

I've seen a fair plenty of bimbo Sunsets, but I feel like I missed this particular iteration. As a result it gives me the vibe of a critter whose winter coat has grown in. The floofy cascade of hair does little to dissuade me of that perception. Also, a strange air of milfiness.