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This is not even their final size




Simultaneously sexy and hilarious


thanks, the show's tone makes humor mixed with bimbofication an interesting spin to stay in its spirits

Finlay Rex McAndrew

I don’t know why, but the idea of a chocker saying “Meaty” is just really funny to me.


I am laughing how accurate this is! XD


I have the feeling this will backfire for Nagatoro


>This is not even their final size I'll hold you to this promise!!!! Great page, nice panelling!

Cole jones

Well given how she will seemingly be the smallest of the girls that most likely will be how it backfires and she will want bigger breast to match the others.

Cole jones

It is pretty damn accurate to these characters personality's so thumbs up to annon.

Cole jones

I don't know why but the Ye reminds me of dragon ball z abridged when roshi doesn't go to help Bulma says is it because you old and he just says Ye. I know that most likely isn't what annon was doing but I just remember that.


Good god I wonder what the student president would look like. She's already a bombshell without any magic.

Kristian dean kepley

I like how the one on the right(I’ve never watched the anime. Don’t judge) is just repeating what the more expressive one is saying. It’s a very one sided conversation but I just find it how it is here funny

Cole jones

That's a character quirk of hers she does it a lot she either repeats a word someone said or in a way sums up what they said like she is in this page. Also her name is Yoshi.

Icarus con Queso

Did Yoshi actually get shorter or is it just a comparison thing. Cause she looks like she might have gained an inch of height, and they're usually gaining like 4 minimum from the stiletto heels that come with the bimbo territory.

Cole jones

I think it's just comparison. Though annon did say they aren't finished growing so who knows how they will be.


I honestly don't recall a single time I've made a character smaller. But nono, Yoshi grew a bit, but it's mostly Maki sprouting up

Cole jones

@annon really Yoshi grew a bit it's hard to tell. And as for making a character shorter did you make pinkie pie shorter in the pink world comic or was she just staying her normal size and everyone else grew around her?

Gurfification .

I’m so looking forward to this. Also, I’m really glad you went with red lipstick and eyeshadow for Maki.